the rescue

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"Damn it!" he swore, kneeling in the alley as I bolted away. I snatched the bag I'd dropped not even stopping to see if the jar had shattered.

I knew there was no way I could outrun that asshole for long. I was tired, and I was lost. In my panic I'd forgotten the way home.

It was only my third day living in California, let alone the Valley.

I decided the best thing to do would was run to the nearest open store before he came back after me.

Vincent Drug was the closest one, and it's lit sign stood out against the darkening sky.

As I flung open the door, and ran inside a bell rung. "Woah, kiddo, are you alright?"

A short man stood behind the counter looking at me with worried eyes.

"Um.." I started, trying to slow my breathing. "Yeah."

"Can I get you anything?"

"C-could I use your phone, please?"

"Sure thing, sweetheart." The man gave me a kind smile and gestured to a payphone to the left of the counter.

I walked over to it and he handed me a few quarters. My trembling hands made it difficult to get the coins in the slot.

Before I dialed a number, I glanced behind me, nervously. I was paranoid that the guy I'd been running from followed me inside.

Then I called Bill.

The phone rang 7 times before he picked up at work.


"Bill it's Shaye listen I'm at Vincent's Drug Store and I forgot how to get home and I'm honestly scared and could yo–"

"–Sheila, look I'm working on something important, you're gonna have to call me back later, okay. Bye."

He hung up.

The line cut and responded with a buzz.

I couldn't believe it – Bill hung up on me!

Tears were building up along the rim of my eyes.

I just called the man who is supposed to be my new Dad, who's supposed to care about me. I called him telling him I was scared, and lost, possibly in danger and he freaking hung up on me!

I stood holding the phone for a minute, naively hoping he'd start to speak again – that he didn't really just ignore me and leave me here. I'd hoped he'd call me back.

But he didn't.

I hung up to silence the buzzing that haunted me.

There was no way I was going back out there, not alone. Not with that creep still out there.

"Need some more change?" The store guy asked.

I nodded, accepting another 50 cents. "Thanks."

"Any time."

𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒘𝒐 | b. rodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now