the challenge

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"So, you guys all know Scott–"

"–Smalls," Ham interrupted.

"And Shaye," Benny continued, ignoring his friend.

"Shaye?" the kid with the thick glasses asked. "What, is that French or something?"

Everyone chuckled a little, and Benny rolled his hazel eyes.

Honestly, I never remember what color anyone's eyes are, besides my own. But Benny's – they stood out. They were so bright, so warm. I'd never seen anything like them.

"Sheila," I said. "I like Shaye better."

Benny then turned to Scotty and I.

"So..the guys." He pointed to the kid with the quiffed hair, who grinned mischievously while putting on his yellow ball cap. "That's Alan – we call him 'Yeah-Yeah.'"

The shorter boy spat at the ground after Benny introduced him. It was odd, but kind of funny. Especially if he was trying to gross me out or something – I honestly just found it hilarious.

Next was the smaller boy, who copied everything the taller boy standing next to him said or did. "The Timmons's – Timmy and Tommy. We call Tommy 'Repeat' cause.. well.. you'll see."

Both boys spat at the ground, Tommy struggling to get it all the way on the ground.

Okay, that's a little gross– but still, pretty funny, actually. A little. Just a little.

Standing next to the brothers was the kid with the rectangular-shaped black-rimmed glasses with lenses as thick as.. well I'm not really sure. "I'm Squints," he said, before Benny had the chance. Then he spat. "You're a pre-tty lady," he told me. "Nice hand, by the way."

I blushed a little, faintly, yet still flattered. "Thanks," I smiled at him. That was sweet, I guess. Awkward, but sweet.

I couldn't exactly tell, but I think he winked at me then. That was a little weird. Really weird, actually. I don't think about that anymore.

Benny moved on. "You've met Ham – Hamilton Porter? He's our catcher."

Ham scowled a bit, but I could tell he was only pretending to hate me still. He spat harshly, and Benny shot him a look.

I don't mean to sound boastful or anything, but I wasn't a very hateable person, I guess. I tried to stay on people's good side.

"Our pitcher, Kenny DeNunez. He's got a great heater." Kenny was the dark skinned boy, with a black and white striped hat.


"And this is Bertram Grover Weeks." He seemed a bit.. off. He had a lopsided grin and thin-rimmed glasses. He was tall, too.

"Hey Ben, you forgot to mention the test."

Benny looked at Ham, puzzled.

"What test?"

Ham glared at Scotty and I.

"You know, the one where they gotta catch?"

"Oh. You mean the challenge you made up yesterday?" Squints scoffed.

𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒘𝒐 | b. rodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now