You Should've Stayed with Me

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"This particular diamond was extra special
And though you might be gone and the world may not know
Still I see you celestial.."

Five minutes left till the meeting ended and Matthew was getting impatient. He looked at the empty chair across from him. A chair that he once recalled not being empty before and never expected it to be. He then felt his vision blur. He knew things change, but this specific person meant the world to him.

This person was special to Matthew, he meant everything to him, all this happened so sudden, it wasn't fair. Not fair for him. What ticked him off even more is that nobody cared to notice. All the participants in the meeting did was fight, argue, and yell. No, They did not care, they only cared for themselves. They shrugged off Gilbert's absence as normal and he did not like that.

Matthew stood up. He couldn't take it anymore so he ran to the bathroom.
Everybody seemed to turn and look at him when he ran. Some even followed behind.


He was afraid they might've seen the tear stains on his cheeks. The last thing he wanted to do was be seen as weak. His fear became true when he locked himself in the bathroom and everybody started to yell at him from behind the door, asking what the matter was.

"Why are you crying?" A voice which sounded like his brother yelled from the other side of the door along with multiple loud bangs on the door.

Matthew didn't respond. He looked at himself in the mirror and cried even more.

"Why did you have to leave me so suddenly?" He sobbed quietly to himself.

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