::26:: The beast, The robot, and The Hacker

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A dark plane is flying to Asia, Aya is passed out, her hair was cut by a pole while the circus exploded, as she lays unconscious, she hears a voice
"Human, wake up, you are alive still,I feel your heart drum"
It's a humanoid robot, it has a black wolf on one side of its head, the other is the rest of its black hair, it has two icy blue eyes, it is chained to the floor
"Human..! Please wake up...." it continues to say as Aya wakes up
"What..who are you..where's Vicci.." Aya backs away as it smiles at her, showing her sharp robotic teeth
"I don't have name, but Creator calls me Traitor" it says as Aya tilts her head to the side
"Traitor? Why Traitor?" She asks as Traitor sighs
"Traitor helped subjects, Creator punishes me when I help subjects,Creator chained me here.." it looks away as Aya carefully stands up
"Look, lets rename you, I don't like Traitor, how does Allen?" She asks as Allen's icy blue eyes light up
"I like that name!" He says as Aya giggles
"Now do you know where to go Allen?" She asks as Allen sighs

"I don't know..But he knows..." He asks as there's a screen on the roof as it turns on showing a male with purple hair wearing a mask reading a letter

"..don't judge how she seems, she is highly powerful.." he mutters as Aya questions what he's doing

"Hack! hello?" Allen calls as Hack falls out of his chair

"Agh! Be more careful next time!" He says as he gets back up on his chair as he sees Aya

"Ah! You're the beast caster Kitty told me about! It's amazing to see you!" he says as Aya sighs

"Are you gonna kill me like she did? If so, I won't be a crybaby about it" she intimidates as Hack chuckles

"No young lioness, you are safe..For now..." he says as Aya tilts her head to the side

"For now? What does that mean?" She asks

"You see, I'm a hacker that O'Hare kidnapped, if I hack the governments arsenal or the monsters core, they'll free me, I've been delaying their plans by sending them on goose chases, yet when I assigned that area you were in, I did't know they would take you, i'm sorry Aya.." he says as he tugs at his mask

"What's with the mask?" Aya asks

"It's a tracker, I can't take it off, it'll kill me" h says as Aya remembers something

"Hey, I know how to free you, I helped one of O'hare's assassins escaped their grasp, maybe I can save you!"

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