::17:: Nothing like them

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Exactly what the youngest wanted
But yet she feels awful
"Drake, is this what happens, they all get the control of their powers and I never fight with them.. it's been a month, and yet I haven't done anything..." she mutters
"Aya, I'm sorry, but I didn't know any of this either..Y-"he sighs as a heavy weight drops on Aya's shoulders
"So I am useless"
"That's not what I meant!"
"Yes you did! I know you meant it! That's what everyone told me at school!" Aya and Drake argue as voices start filling her head
"Downright worthless"
"Leave. Me. ALONE!" Aya yells as a turquoise mushroom explosion covers her
Nothing but darkness
There's two people, Drake and Aya it seems, but they look the same age
"Where am I? And who are you?" Aya says the the boy
"Aya! It's me, Drake!" He says but Aya doesn't believe him "I must look diffeRENt" he says as his voice cracks
"Pfff!" Aya laughs as Drake groans "Great, I'm 12 again, being 1012 years old was better"
"You're that old?" Aya asks "Yes" he sighs, looking into the void "Before I died, my mother was a warrior, she had the power of the twin dragons, I looked up as a heroine"
"Geez, your mom was awesome, my mom was a medic sniper,when not in combat she would be the medic, when in combat, a sniper" Aya says like its normal
"That's amazing! She must've been a great role model to you and your siblings!" Drake says happily as Aya sighs
"That's how she met dad, her base was bombed, she was lucky, as of all her colleges were killed, she spent four days in the desert, hoping for help, then, dad found her, he was a scavenger, when he found her, he almost cried, he loved her because she was special to him.." "I sometimes wonder what would happen if dad never found her and she died.."
"You wouldn't exist! You wouldn't be the person who I care for!" Drake replies
"Really..after everything I've done.." She says as Drake hugs her
"Of course, we can be who we are, not what people expect us to be" he says as they wake up
"Aya! You're ok!" Victory sobs in front of Aya
"Vicci...where's Drake..?" Aya replies weakly
"There's a..um, is that a spear.." Vic says in confusion "Anyway, that's not the point, what I wanted to say is, we know about what's been going on..."
"What do you mean?" Aya asks
"We heard you say you haven't done anything..you have, you found us Cas, hell! You even took down assassins!" Victory says as she hugs Aya
"Thank you Vicci..." Aya says as a Regret appears in front of them
"Vicci! Watch out!" Aya screams as she throws the spear that appeared when she blacked out at the Regrets feet, for it to tie the feet of the beast with two green dragons as Aya jumps on the spear as it turns into some sort of board
"Don't hurt my family!" Aya shouts as she jumps onto its head and grabs the spear. Stabbing it right in the weak point, but unlike the others, a young girl poofed out of the Regret, as she hit the ground, she weakly said
"Please, I'm sorry..don't kill me.."

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