::48:: Company.

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"Company? What are you talking about Zodia?" Jords asks as Zodia sighs

"One of my followers, the Capricorn, he's here, I believe he's looking for the Aquarius and Sagittarius" she responds

"But, how are they your followers?" Tashi asks

"Long ago, before me, my father crested twelve brave men and woman to keep the world safe, many family eras later, the kids of the kids, you get it, they saved the world from the regrets the first hand, but the gems were scattered, the power inside them no longer as powerful. But now that I feel their power, we might have an upper hand in this fight, but it's not as strong."
Ding ding.

The doorbell rang as Aya went to get it

"Hello? I thi-" she said as the snake like creature just slithered in "rude." she mumbled as they spoke

"Kat. John. We need you back." They said as Kat says bluntly

"Not without my children"

"Kat they'll just get in the w-"

"Not. Without. My. Children." She says in a more threatening tone


"Hey! Ryu! I'm not gonna be home for awhile, so take care of the house! Bye!" Victory says as she ends a call

"Was that Ryu?" Burn asked as Victory nodded

"Yeah, he's heading to the mansion, had to send him the location" she added has Burn chuckled

"You and Ryu have always gotten along well" he says as Victory shrugs

"He's family, no matter if he's a distant cousin or not" she said as they enter the ship

"Wow! This is amazing! How does this fly?" Kelly  asks as Kat shrugs

"Beats me" she said as there's a cough

"Sup"  it's Kitty.

"Kitty! Hey!" Victory waved as Kitty rested her shoulders, she no longer has her freakishly long hair, it's cut to her chest, she's also wearing comfy clothing "Why are we doing this again?" She asked as a man with purple hair and scars said something

"Beats me, but it's better then being locked up" Hack, he came too?

"Yeah, you're right Jurvis." Kitty said as she chuckles

"Liftoff in T minus ten seconds, you better have everything." Cytra says as Victory sits down

"There's snacks correct?" She asked as Cytra sighed

"And liftoff." He says as the ship takes off, seeing as everyone else isn't sitting, they fell on the floor

"Ow" Burn groaned as his head get squashed by Wyvern's long back

"Sorry mate!" Wyvern says as he hastily tries to get back up, but yet again falling, this time on his face

"Kat, when did you have kids?" Cytra asked

"Burn was sixteen years ago, Victory fourteen, and Aya twelve, as for Tashi, he was adopted, but that doesn't matter- Blood relative or not, I love him as my child" she said as she looked out the window, cold, black abyss as the ship pass the moon

"Um, Mister Cytra, where are we going?" Aya asked as Cytra coughed up a little bit of black blood


"I'm sorry, Cytra, correct? Do you understand how insane that sounds? There's no life on Mars, it's just a rock, sure there's frozen lakes but other then that there is no proof of life." Victory says as Cytra scoffs

"Listen kid, I know it's stupid, but that's because you haven't looked beneath the surface." He says as Victory's eyes widen "you mean.."

"Yep." Cytra says as a part of the Martian rock slides, showing a metallic inside in the crust

"Holy heckle." Victory says as the ship lowers down

As soon as the ship docked, something felt weird, the air was warm, but not too cold, and all the people seemed to be on edge

"Cytra, is something wrong with them?" Victory asked as they walk to the problem, while looking at some of the Martian food and shops

"They're fine, they're always like this on this day" he says as Victory raises a brow "This day? Why today?" She asked while picking up a fruit a Martian handed to her

"Because we have a tradition, every year, we go to the Mother of Fires. We don't know how it originated there, it's been there forever, lately her statue has been cracked, that's why the air here is warmer, also that's a snake fruit" he explains as Victory looks at the fruit, a little snake comes out, seems friendly

"They're poisonous, but their fruit are delicious" Cytra says as Victory already has the snake nuzzled on her arm as she takes a bite of the fruit "You don't say" she says while eating the fruit as Cytra stops in his tracks

"Why are we stopping?" Kelly asks as Cytra sighs

"We're at the temple of the Mother, please don't anger the priestess, they aren't like us." He says as he opens the door to the temple, already Victory's breath goes funny

"I have a really bad feeling about this..."

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