::53:: Folding of the Cards

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"You said he was dangerous." Victory says as she clenches her hands "You said, he was a threat, what have you said that's the truth?" Victory asks, clearly angry

"I didn't want you to do something dumb, that's it." Saul retorts

"Is that all that mattered? That I didn't do something stupid? I know what I'm doing! I'm not that Victory anymore! I changed!" Victory shouts as she runs off

"Victor-" Saul says as a fire wall appears

"Don't try to stop me." Victory says.


"You really are pathetic Andros." A dark voice says to a man, his ribs showing, his hands stapled to the wall

"Shut up." The man assumed to be Andros says "someone will end me, then I will finally rest knowing that you won't hurt anyone."

"Wow, you really think I'll disappear just like that?" The voice says again. Andros takes a deep breath, with all his might he yells again

"Help Me!!" He screams, and for once in his life down here, someone responds

"I'm coming!" The voice says

"What the hell?" The dark voice says as Andros smiles

"I told you Sam, I'll be saved." Andros says as the voice yells again

"Where are you?!" It asks

"I'm in here!" Andros weakly yells as he hears footsteps coming down the basement stairs

"They won't do anything for you." Sam says as Andros sighs

"I'm here!" The voice says as she breaks down the door

"You're..just a child..." Andros says silently

"Victory, are you okay?" The girl says as she walked to Andros

"N-No! Stay away!" Andros says as he places a barrier around him

"You're Cards, correct?" Victory asks, placing her hand on the barrier

"It doesn't matter anyway." Andros says as he looks away "It does matter, I'm here to help you." Victory replies as Andros looks at her, a twisted smile on his face, followed by chuckling

"Poor, poor little girl, you have no idea what you're stepping in, this man is a murderer." A different voice says, but in Andros' body

"Cards, you're scaring me." Victory steps back, but she doesn't run away

"Are you afraid? You should be, for I'll do so many things to your corpse." The voice says again, pulling one of the chains off the walls, as Victory jumps, truly afraid, she can feel her soul drowning in fear as the barrier comes down, a voice keeps saying inside of Victory

"Stand your ground." The voice continues to say it, getting louder and louder as...Whatever possessed Cards breaks free, then it erupts into a psychopathic laughter. The doors to the outside slam shut

"Oh god." Victory says, as the thing flies at Victory, pinning her, as it shoves her into the brick wall, the pressure breaking the wall down "Get back up on your feet!" It says, picking a pained Victory, then punching her in the stomach, causing Victory to cough up blood, then it drops her again

"This is it, isn't it?" Victory mutters to herself, looking up to see it standing right above her, it's left arm has a transparent red blade, glowing in the darkness of the room, as Victory closes her eyes, she hears a loud clash of metal, she opened her eyes, her necklace has floated off and blocked the blade from her, it starts to illuminate a carbon copy of Cards, this time, it wasn't attacking her

"No, this isn't possible." The one trying to kill Victory says as the other one smiles, his eyes not black, but silver blue

"That's the point, what I'm sayin Cards is, how do people say it nowadays? Oh yeah! Buh-bye." He says as a snap of his fingers and the other one is gone.

"Whoa" Victory says, in awe as Cards picks her up, as she hisses in pain he shushes her
"It's okay, we're getting out of here." Cards says as in a blink of an eye, he and Victory are gone

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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