Chapter 1

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“But I really don’t get why I’m being punished?” I asked audaciously, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen door.

“You’re not being punished, Allison. I’m asking you to do me a favor. Do I need to define the word favor for you? You know, since you barely do anything around this house for anyone but yourself.” She took a momentary pause from scrubbing the counter to give me a look of disapproval.

“I’d rather clean than take Dylan to soccer camp!”

“Why? Is it because it’s outside and you’d be exposed to sunlight and fresh air? Or maybe it’s because you’d be forced to interact with actual living breathing people?” Her hands were placed on either side of her hips.

I hated when my mom got sassy with me. I hated it so much. She acted like her “insults” were so clever. She always took a dig at my social status too, which really annoyed me.

“No, it’s because I’d have to sit there for hours waiting for his stupid camp to be over!” “That’s when you get the opportunity to talk to people, Al.”

“But I don’t know anyone there, mom. It’s just going to be parents of kids.”

She huffed, walking away from me. She flipped her cleaning rag in the air and put her hands in defeat as she turned around once again to face me. “God forbid- just take a book then! Just please don’t complain anymore. Dylan is going to be late. You guys need to leave.”

I sighed, defeated, and walked into my bedroom. I retrieved my phone, my current novel and a couple of dollars that were lying on my dresser. I was never really organized. I slipped on a pair of my white sneakers that were now a light grey color. Note to self: Clean them.

I walked back out to the kitchen and grabbed my keys off the key hook and opened the garage door to find my little brother already in the passenger seat. “Ready?” I asked as I got into the car, putting my seat belt on.

He spun his soccer ball in his hands. “Ready.”


I shifted the book in my lap as the sun moved in the sky. I peeked up from the pages and studied the field. The young boys were running across the grass, kicking the ball beneath their feet. I tugged my headphone out and my ear filled with the loud chatter of the parents surrounding me and the faint squeals and laughs of the kids.

I returned my ear bud into my ear and kept reading, slowly playing with the thin pages as my eyes scanned each word. I stopped as I finished my chapter and admired the book cover. I looked at the title, "The Hobbit." I smiled, tracing my thumb on the binding. It was my fourth time reading The Hobbit and it still excites me just as much as it did the first time I read it. I was one of those people that would read books multiple times and actually enjoy it. I found myself rereading books quite often, especially The Lord of the Rings. I was such a nerd for that trilogy and I didn't care. I've read the entire series 5 times and I've seen the movies more than I can count with all my fingers and toes. I could recite full scenes full of quotes to anyone that cared enough to listen. Sometimes I would just sit and think and realize how nerdy it was to be this obsessed with a book and movie series, but I mean, it’s good to have something you’re truly passionate about.

I looked up from my book as the sun was shadowed by a figure. I saw my brother smiling and looking down at me.

“Ready?” I asked.

Before he could answer a boy came up to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. He was tall and very tan, his hair a pitch black tone. He looked about my age.

“Great job today, Dylan.” The boy gave my brother a high five and then smiled at me. I stood up from where I was sitting, learning that I was at least four inches shorter than me. I felt slightly intimidated by him at first, but his smile lightened the mood. “And I didn’t catch your name?”

“I’m Allison, Dylan’s older sister.” I held out my hand and he shook it firmly, nodding.

“I’m Calum Hood, one of Dylan’s coaches here at the camp. But I’m his favorite coach. Right buddy?” I laughed along with Calum as he looked down at Dylan.

“I guess you’re my favorite; you’re kinda mean to me Calum.” His serious demeanor changed to a short giggle as Calum’s expression grew long and surprised.

“Am not!” Calum gasped, laughing in response.

I put my hands on Dylan’s shoulders, pulling him against me. “Don’t let this boy pick on you, tell him to pick on someone his own size!” I glanced at Calum, slightly smirking.

“Pick on someone your own size!” Dylan mimicked me, stepping towards Calum, his speech whistled from his lack of his right front tooth.

“Okay, I’ll pick on your sister than.” Calum smirked, walking over to me, standing inches away from my body. “Oh wait, she’s not my size either,” he laughed, pointing out our slight height difference.

“Jerk!” I laughed, pushing him away from me.

He smirked and rustled Dylan’s hair, looking down on him. “You’re coming to practice tomorrow, right bud?”

“Right!” Dylan gave Calum a thumbs-up and Calum returned the gesture.

I walked with Dylan to the car and during the drive home, Calum kept peeking up in my thoughts. He just seemed like such a good guy and you don’t find many guys like that anymore. It was nice to know someone that kind was working with my brother.

“Isn’t he nice?”

I looked over at Dylan momentarily before putting my eyes back on the road ahead of me. “Calum?”

“Yeah. You two seemed to like each other.” He couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“What do you mean?” I questioned, curious of where his hypothesis was coming from.

“I mean, you don’t just joke with anyone Allison. You’re a pretty serious person.”

For an eight year old, he knew me too damn well and it scared me sometimes. But we’re each other’s best friends and I probably know him just as well as he knows me. But he also should know that I’ve never really had a boyfriend and I’m pretty awkward around people in general, and especially boys. He doesn’t think I’m weird though, I’m lucky to have such a cute and understanding little brother.

“I’m glad you like him,” he added to his statement. “He’s too nice not to like. Everyone likes him.”

“I can tell.” I smiled at him. “I can tell, for sure.”

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