Chapter 12

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A knock on my bedroom door woke me up. I yawned, sitting up in my bed. "Come in."

My mom walked in, smiling. She sat on the edge of my bed. "Did you have fun last night?" She asked.

I nodded, yawning once again. I barely remembered getting home last night. I was guessing Calum dropped me off here late at night, once we had finished partying. "Lots of fun."

"That's good. I'm glad you're spending so much time with Luke and not Calum." A semi-smile appeared on her face.

"Uh, yeah. Me too. I like Luke a lot. I think I'll do something again with him today. If that's okay with you."

She put her hand on me knee, over the bedding. "You've been going out with Luke so much lately. Why not just have him come over today?" She suggested.

Well, Luke and I were going to have to act like a couple in front of her sooner or later so might as well start sooner. "Good idea. I'll call him and tell him to come over after breakfast." I smiled, putting my hand on hers.

"Good. I'll go start cooking. Come out when you're done." She got up, leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

I didn't feel like calling Luke so I decided to just shoot him a text.

To: Lukey Hemmo

Come over whenever you want today, let's make it official with my mom. Love ya bf ;) <3

I laughed at the ending of my text and plugged my phone up to charge. I could already smell the breakfast from the kitchen, my mom worked fast.

At the table, my little brother was sitting, staring into his Nintendo DS. "Good morning Dylan," I said as I walked past him. He mumbled a hi, too submerged in his game to say anything better. I stood next to my mom as she whisked the eggs. The sound of the popping bacon was the first thing I noticed.

"So how are you and Luke?" She asked me, beginning the small talk.

I watched the bacon as it sizzled in the pan. I shrugged, "Good I guess. He's nice."

"You trust him?" She asked.


"Like, do you trust being out with him? At parties and stuff? He treats you good?"

There she goes again, being her regular FBI interrogating self. "Oh, yeah. He's great mom."

"Well, good. That's good. I just want the best for you."

"I know you do."

She made my plate of pancakes and bacon and handed it to me. I sighed, sitting down at the table and eating silently.

Once I finished eating I went back into my room and went straight to check my phone. I had a reply from Luke.

From: Lukey Hemmo

Be over around 3ish babbbeeee ;) <3 haha

I glanced at my clock. It was already noon. I had to get ready for the big show that was soon to come.


"He's here, Allison!" I heard my mom call me and I heard the front door open. Luke was here. As I walked down the hall to greet him the nerves began to set in. I had to make this whole act believable so I could keep seeing Calum. I was ready to deliver and hopefully Luke would be ready to put on a damn good act as well.

"Luke!" I squealed as I saw him. I ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck for a hug.

He hugged me back, laughing quietly. "I missed you too, Allison." He pulled away from the hug, his hands sliding into his pockets.

"Well, I'll be out here in the living room. You guys can go to Allison's room or stay out here with me if you'd like."

I glanced up at Luke and then back at my mom. "We'll come join you later, mom. Love you! C'mon Luke!" I grabbed his hand and tugged him down the hall with me, into my bedroom, slamming the door behind us. I let out a huff of breath, laughing. "I hope that hug wasn't too much."

He shook his head, sitting down on my bed. "Nope, it was great." He chuckled. "How are you?"

"Good. I'm great. How are you?"

"I'm good as well. Life's been a tad boring lately, but still good. How are you and your boyfriend?" He asked, glancing up at me from his phone.

"We're really good, actually. Thanks for all of this, by the way."

"No need to thank me , Al. Really. It's nothing." He urged.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I still felt like I was using him. I was a naturally guilty person.

"Positive. Now when are we going to go tell your mom?"

"Why not now? The sooner the better, I guess."

"Well then, cmo'n boyfriend." I walked over to him, holding out my hand, smirking.

He took my hand and stood up, holding it tightly. "Alright, girlfriend."

We walked out into the living room. My mom was sitting in her normal recliner, watching TV.

"Oh. Hey guys." She said, smiling, as she saw us.

"We decided to join you." I said, sitting down on the sofa. Luke sat down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I laid my head against his chest, my knees curled up against my body. "And we also want to tell you something." Luke added, smirking down at me.

I laughed softly, looking over to my mother. "Luke and I are together."

"Oh Allison!" She said, a wide smile appearing on her face. "That's wonderful."

I nodded, looking up at Luke. He smiled, looking down at me and laughing softly.

"When did it happen?" She asked.

"Last night at the party. I wanted to wait until he was here for us to tell you." Luke's hand rubbed my shoulder gently as we both looked over to my mother.

"I'm so happy for you guys. That's really great."

"We're really happy too," Luke added. He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly.

Our attention shifted to the television as the room regained it's silence. Luke's arm was still positioned around my shoulders and my head was still against his chest. Our hands had found there ways together and our fingers were now intertwined. We didn't say much, just short whispers here and there. I tried my best to enjoy the time with Luke, but I couldn't. Our position on the sofa reminded me of a few nights before, when I was in a similar position with Calum on his sofa. I was listening to his heartbeat instead of Luke's. I was holding his hand instead of Luke's. I almost felt guilty since I was thinking of Calum and not Luke, but Calum was my boyfriend. Of course I'd be missing him and wanting to be with him. I wanted to be with my real boyfriend, not my cover up. So hopefully, I'd be with him soon. But until then, I was Luke's and Luke was mine.


All I have to say is........... 10K READS ILY GUYS SO MUCCCHHH BYE

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