Chapter 17

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I left Maddie's around noon and immediately called Luke once I got in the car. Of course he didn't answer. "Hey Luke, it's Allison. I'm coming over, we need to talk." I wasn't going to wait to hear a reply from him to go to his place. It had to happen and I had no time to waste.

I knocked on Luke's front door, tapping my foot as my arms were crossed. I saw him peek out the window, seeing me and grimace, reluctantly opening the door. 

"Hey, Allison." He stammered.

"We need to talk, Luke." I shifted my body, uncrossing my arms.

He shrugged, sighing. "Yeah. Come in."

I walked inside and followed Luke as he led me to his kitchen, where we sat adjacent from each other. He ran his fingers through his hair and groaned before looking up at me.

"What's up?" He asked.

I scoffed. He actually had the nerve to dodge the subject. "What's up? The kiss, that's what's up."

"Can we not talk about that," he replied, rolling his eyes.

"No, Luke. I came over here to talk about it. It's not okay."

"God, Allison! I know it's not okay. I told you I'm sorry, can we forget about it?"

"I'm trying to forget, but we need to talk about it before I can fully forget it." I said calmly.

Luke sat down on the sofa next to me, sighing in defeat. "Okay. What about it do you want to talk about?"

I paused for a minute, thinking of what to say. "Why did you even do it?" I questioned.

"It was just the heat of the moment, I guess." He shrugged, looking down in his lap.

I watched as his fingers tangled together, and he put then in his lap, not daring to look at me.

"But I have a boyfriend, Luke." I said, barely audible over a whisper.

"Yeah, you've told me before." He said, raising his voice and groaning. He moved his head up and glanced over at me. "I know all about your damn boyfriend, Allison. And I know it isn't me."

"Yeah…" I said quietly. "But I still don't get why you'd kiss me." I said a bit louder.

"And I still don't get why you'd kiss me back if you're so in love with your boyfriend!" He yelled.

I sunk down in my seat, bowing my head down. "Sorry." I muttered. "It just happened."

"Yeah, well it just happened for both of us. So don't just yell at me. You're just as guilty as I am." 

I looked up at him, shrugging. "You're right. Sorry. I'm just nervous to tell Calum, I don't know how he's going to take it."

Luke's eyes opened wide, he looked over at me. "Calum?" He said quizzing.

"Yeah. Calum Hood, he's my boyfriend." I answered.

Luke let out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back. "You can't be serious? You're dating Calum Hood?" 

"Uhm..." I was confused. What came as a joke to him about my relationship about Calum? "Yeah. Why?"

"God, Allison. You sure can pick 'em!" He barely got out before letting out another hearty laugh. "You need to dump his ass while you can."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"He's a mess, literally. You're better off without him. He may not be a mess now but he'll break soon." Luke said, now in a more serious tone.

"Are you his friend or something?" I replied, curious about where he got this information from.

"No, but I'm friends with plenty of people that used to be friends with him. They got out of that circle as soon as they could. Trust me, you don't want to be there when he explodes."

"I don't get what you mean? What's wrong with him? You're not telling me the details." I was getting annoyed with Luke and how one-sided he was being.

"Allison, you don't need to know. Just dump him, okay? It's for the best." Luke went back to laughing once again.

I grimaced, standing up off the sofa, crossing my arms. "I'm not dumping him unless you tell me a valid reason." 

"Okay then, stay with him. But don't come crying to me when he snaps. Don't tell me I didn't warn you." His laughter continued. He obviously took me, Calum and our relationship as a joke.

I grabbed my purse, waking towards the door. "Fuck you, Luke. I don't need you anymore. We're over!" I screamed.

"We were never together to begin with!" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes, slamming the door behind me as I stomped off to my car. I sat in the driver's seat for a minute, letting myself cool off. Driving while upset is never an okay thing to do.

Once I was okay I drove to a nearby parking lot, parking in an empty space. I needed to think about where I was going to go and what I was going to do next. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel and leaned my head on the top of it, taking a deep breath. I needed to our the pieces together. Obviously, Luke is attracted to me. That's why he kissed me. In the spur of the moment, I kissed Luke back. That does not mean I have feelings for Luke. Then, when I went to confront Luke and I brought up my boyfriend, he got frustrated because he's obviously jealous. So out of jealousy, he made up fake rumors about Calum in a ploy to get me to break up with him so he could have me all to himself. He was obviously lying because he wouldn't supply me with real reasons as to why Calum was bad. 

When I put the clues together, I felt a little bit better and a little bit worse. I didn't know if I wanted to go back and interrogate Luke some more or go off and confess the kiss to Calum. Both had their own pros and cons. I just wasn't sure if I was ready to discuss this with Calum yet. Maybe I'd be better off if I went and asked someone else about this whole situation, like Michael.

My mind was made up and I went over to Michael's house, quietly knocking on the door. 

Soon he came to the door along with Maddie. They both smiled at the sight of me. 

"Hi." I said quietly. "Can I come in?" 

"Of course!" Michael exclaimed with a smile. "What's up?" 

"Well I just talked to Luke, and he told me some things about Calum that I know you could clear up." 

"Oh?" He said, cocking his head. "What kinds of things?" 

"Well he told me that Calum is bad news and that I should leave him as soon as possible before he explodes again. What does that mean?"

"Nothing," Michael replied almost too quickly.

"Michael, I know you know."

"It's not my position to talk about it, Allison. All I'm going to say is Calum had some troubles in the past but it was the past. It's not his present. There's nothing you need to worry about. I don't even know how this Luke guy would get his information, anyways. I don't even know a Luke."

I nodded, attempting to understand. "Okay, well thanks."

After a brief visit and an internal conflict with myself, I decided to go home and not to Calum. I'd rather talk to him with a clear head and a body full of energy. It'd all just have to wait until tomorrow.

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