Chapter 20

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I picked myself up after realizing what a fool I was. I was crying over a boy that didn't give a damn about me. I thought he cared, but the truth was that he didn't. He proved that to me today, just now. He didn't even have the nerve to talk to me about the situation before hooking up with a random girl. And he listened to lies that someone he doesn't even know told him. I guess Calum wasn't that strong in the common sense department.

I drove over to Michael's house, desperate for answers. When I was talking to him, he was holding something back. Maybe he'd finally shed some light on the whole situation. He's known Calum for much longer than I have anyways. I had faith in him, and I had faith that he'd disclose information to me if it was truly necessary.

Getting to Michael's house, I parked and walked to the front door. I heard the TV on inside and proceeded to knock.

I saw a wave of black and purple hair come towards me as the door was opened. "Allison, hi." He said with a smile on his face. "Maddie isn't here." He added.

"Good," I replied as I walked towards him, letting myself in the house. "I think it'd be better if she wasn't around." I began to pace slowly around the living room, trying to decide where to sit. I ended up just sitting on the love seat, putting my purse on the floor next to me.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked, looking concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Calum," I replied hastily with a sigh. "Something…" I took a short pause, "happened."

"What happened?" Michael asked as he put his hand on my knee.

"Calum cheated on me, uh, I guess it's cheating? I'm not sure at the point. Uh, he said that we were separated at that point but I didn't know if we were separated. So is that cheating or not? I don't really know." I stammered, trying to slow my words but they all flowed out at once.

"What? What do you mean Calum was cheating on you?" He asked, pulling his hand away, cracking his knuckles.

"I walked in on him getting his dick sucked by a random girl," I said blatantly, not trying to beat around the bush. I needed help and I didn't have time to lose.

"What?" Michael yelled. "What the hell! What happened? All Calum ever did was say lovely things about you. What happened between you guys."

"Well," I began. It took me a short ten minutes to explain the entire situation. I hit every detail with Luke, the kiss and the supposed conversation between Calum and Luke.

"God." Michael groaned, leaning his head down in his lap. 

"What?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

"Calum has a lot of things about him you don't know, Allison. One of those things is that he easily believes people and little lies like that can set him off. He's not in the complete right mindset. I'm not saying he actually has a mental disorder that makes him not as smart as us, he just has a temper. But his temper is different. He doesn't get angry, he just kind of disposes of the problem. So when Luke went to Calum and said everything about what happened with you guys, he believed him and right then and there decided to drop you. And then instead of discussing it with you, he just moves onto the next girl. So I guess he's moving back into his old habits. Did you notice anything else strange about him?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows.

"He was drinking and smoking, if that means something." I shrugged. 

"Fuck. He used to have a drinking problem. And smoking doesn't really help with his mental issues either. The nicotine fucks up his head. I need to go. I need to go find him. I'm the one that's supposed to be looking out for him." Michael hopped up from the couch and pulled on his jacket, walking over to the door.

"Try to clear up things about me with him, if you can!" I yelled to him.

"I'll see what I do, Allison. Thank you for coming to me. You can see yourself out. I'll call you later tonight and update you!" And with that Michael ran out of the house and to his car, heading over to Calum's house.

I prayed that Michael would be able to fix all of this mess. I knew if anyone could, it would be him. 


I sat by the phone for the rest of the night. I was eager, almost too eager, to hear from Michael. I was desperate for an update on Calum. My relationship was riding on Michael's convincing skills.

When the phone finally rang, I answered it before it could let out one full ring. "Hello?" 

"Hi Allison!" Casey gasped into the phone.

I sighed softly. "Hi Casey."

"What's wrong, boo?" She asked, cooing into the line. "Rough day?"

"Yeah. But I'm expecting a call. Can I call you back later?" 

"Just text me." She replied. "I hope you feel better."

"Okay. Thanks. I will. Bye." I hung up the phone, setting it back down next to me. She said to text her, but I didn't feel like it. I'd get to her later. My focus right now was Michael and Calum.

My phone rang again and I answered it just a quickly as last time. "Hello?"

"Hey Alli."

"Michael!" I exclaimed, sighing in relief. "How'd it go?"

"I don't know." He stammered. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, curiously.

"I could only talk him out of smoking, for now. I'm sure since I left he's already picked up a new cigarette." He sighed, his tone saddened.

"Did you mention me at all?" I asked.

"I was going to but he wasn't alone." He replied.

"Oh." I said quietly. I hung my head down, biting my bottom lip. "Was it that girl Talia? She was there when I was there."

"Yeah." Michael answered quietly. "She's Calum's ex-girlfriend."

"Oh," I said once again. I wasn't sure if I was happy that Calum wasn't trashy enough to hook up with a random girl or if I was upset because they had a history together.

"I'll wait a day or so and try to talk to him again. We just need to let things cool off, Allison. I've dealt with him before, I know how to handle him. I suggest you hang out with some friends or something. Get your mind off of this until we can address it. It's not worth worrying about when we can't do anything about it."

"I guess so. Thanks Michael." 

"No problem, Allison. I'm sorry this is how it all played out. I hope everything turns out okay, you and Calum were pretty great together. Almost as great as Maddie and I." He chuckled, attempting to break some of the tension.

"Not even close to you guys." I said, laughing back. "I'll call you tomorrow, I guess. Have a good night."

Michael hung up, leaning the empty dial tone to fill my ear. I listened to it's hum as I stared at the wall, letting thoughts run through my mind. I just wanted Calum. I wanted Calum to realize how stupid his rationalizations were. I wanted him to call me and tell me how stupid he was for believing Luke. I just wanted to hear him say he loved me and no one could ever be as good as me, even a slut like Talia. 

But then reality snapped into my mind. And in reality, as I stared at a blank wall, thinking of Calum, he was probably in the middle of having sex with his ex-girlfriend.



But hey, I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel, how many of you guys would actually watch my videos/subscribe to me? :)

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