My thoughts on parents

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Alright let's get started on this topic. Parents. You ever heard the phrase "Do as I say, not as I do"? Well that is literally the definition of parents. "Don't do that!" or "Don't do this!" While you see them do exactly what they told you not to do. It's total bull crap. Don't even get me started on that "Don't back talk me!" All we are doing is telling them our opinion. Are we not aloud to say something about the statement that they declared? And sometimes we do say it in a rude tone, I understand how you would get in trouble for that, but I mean if all you do is share what you think you should not get in trouble. Oh and that "Money doesn't grow on trees!" Expression, is ridiculous. 1) If they tell you this simply say, " What is money made from?" Parent: Paper "what is paper made from?" Parent: ... 2) They say that meanwhile they will be going out buying random crap like "special silverware" or " "nice napkins" like what the hell even is that?! Oh and don't even get me started on how much they spend on clothes. I guess I can understand it sometimes cause my mom needs to have stylish clothes since, she is a fashion designer, but other times I'm just like what the actual (bleep)?! I'm sorry but it's true! Oh and when there like "YOU HAVE A TEST AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME NOW YOUR GONNA FAIL, IM SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!!" Like we can't handle our selves?! And if your one of those kids who are sitting on there ass right now watching "the bachelor" or some crap and you actually didn't understand the test but you still didn't tell anyone or ask them for help, and your all like "Oh yeah Collin I totally agree!" Then just shut the heck up ok? I'm sorry but you can't be siding with this if you legit didn't get it and got a bad grade. In that case then you should actually ask for help and maybe get a tutor. "B-b-but Collin, I was embarrassed!" Shut up!!!! Oh my gosh if your actually like this your making me as salty as LeafyIsHere or some crap! I swear one day I'm just gonna be writing a chapter on this book and I'm just gonna get so angry I will throw my iPad across the room. Oh and then there is that awkward moment when your mom or dad wants to talk to you about dating or about sex or about any thing like that. It is legit the Mir awkward thing in the world. You just wanna get it over with so you act all clueless and innocent but deep down your like "Oh my gosh I'm gonna drink bleach if this conversations doesn't end soon!" It's horrible. And if you haven't experienced this yet your the luckiest boy or girl in the planet. It is horrific. Well I think I'm gonna end this chapter here, and I will probably make part two of this in the future. Anyway, go check out my other book, you won't regret it! Goodbye and see you next time!~

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