Chapter 1

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*** This is my first book so please no harsh comments! I hope you enjoy! ***


*Mia's POV*

Ugh, why do I have to go to school. I'm really not in the mood. Oh well I guess I'm just going to have to suffer. I got up and took a shower. I got out and let it dry naturally wavy. Then I slipped on a black t-shirt, my skinny jeans, and my black Converse. I've never been girly, but I wouldn't really consider myself tomboy. Sometimes I did like to get nice and dressed up but most times I dress casual.

"Morning mom," I greeted my mother.

"Good morning my beautiful," she said. My mother was a beauty. Her name is Esmeralda. Her mother was born in Boston but her dad was born in Mexico. No one ever compared to my mom, and I know you guys will say I'm biased because she's my mom but it's the truth. "Well just to let you know I won't be home today I have an important meeting and I won't be home till after dark so I will leave you some money on the counter for food, no mess please, it's okay if Jake comes over but that's it," she said making sure I listened.

"Yah I know, I will behave, and thanks for the money," I told her.

"Okay and please text me if you need anything, I won't be able to answer right away so if it's an emergency call the front desk. But only for emergencies, do you understand?" She questioned me while giving me the eye.

"Yes I do. Well I gotta go to school now, bye love you," I said kissing her cheek.

"Alright, love you too mija," she said kissing me on the forehead. My mom and I are very close. I can literally tell her anything. I also have a 20 year old brother, Jared, who goes to college in California. About 5 years ago my mother left my father. He was an abusive alcoholic. One night he went to hit my mom but my brother Jared stood between them so my dad wouldn't hit her. But my father got so angry he hit my brother. That was when my mom finally had enough and we moved from New York to Boston to live with my nana and papa until my mom was able to get on her feet. After a few months of living at nana and papa's my mom finally had a good paying job so we got a four bedroom home in California. A few years later my brother went to college and ever since then it's just been my mom and me. I pray that my mom will find the one since eventually I will leave and go to college.


Once I got to school I parked where I usually do, in the back of the school parking lot. There I saw my bestfriend Jake. We have been friends since I moved here five years ago. "Hey loser," he laughed.

"Hi asshole," I said back to him in my serious face.

"You ready for that world history test?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me, no I will fail this," I laughed. The bell rang, it was time to go to class. Jake and I parted our separate ways.

"See you at lunch," he said. I just smirked back at him.

My first class was algebra two. I hated this class. It was full of ignorant assholes, and fake bitches. I always kept a front up in this class to show them they didn't get to me. I've never really had a boyfriend because my school is full of assholes. I mean a lot of guys did flirt with me and ask me out but I know they are players. Jake always said that he liked how blunt I was with guys. I always straight up tell them the truth about them being player and girls being bitches. Maybe that's why I don't have a lot of friends. Jake had lots of friends that he played baseball with. I hung out with them but I was really there to be with Jake. My mom always teases me about one day me and Jake will be together, but I DO NOT see him that way. Yah he's pretty good looking but I see him more as a brother. I can tell he likes me but I just ignore it.

I walked to my class and sat down. Some guy came up to me and told me this was his seat but I just flipped him off because he always does this to me anywhere I sit. Ever since I turned him down he's been an asshole and try's to get on my nerves. Again I just ignore it. He finally left me alone when Mr. Moore walked in and told us to sit down. Our teacher never did anything he just gave us already made notes and worksheets, then put us into study groups everyday. We didn't really work, mostly we talked. But he didn't care as long as nobody bothered him while he played on his phone. This was my easiest class yet my socially hardest. I mostly would text Jake. Sometimes I would talk to Kate. She was dating Jake's bestfriend Alex. After class was over I went to three more classes then it was time for lunch. I met Jake in the parking lot and we just sat in the car today and ate lunch. Sometimes when we weren't in the mood to talk to everyone we would eat in my car.

"What are you doing after school?" Jake asked.

"Nothing. My mom won't be home till later tonight so she said you can come over and we will order pizza, that is if you want to come over," I said.

"Haha good that you invited me cause I was gonna go over anyways," he said while laughing. Jake and I were very close that he would always come by without asking me and he'd just let himself in. Sometimes he'd come over when I wasn't home and he hangs out with my mom. I guess it was kinda weird but it was normal to me.

"Okay, well we should get back to school, class starts in five," I told him while packing up my things. Today was a short day so I had one class left.

"K let's go," he said opening the door. The bell had rang so I went a separate way.

"Meet me by my car after school," I yelled at him already a few feet away. He responded with a head nod.


Okay so I hope you like the first chapter! I know it was boring but I wanted to introduce Mia, her background and her friends and family. I promise it only get better from here. THANK YOU!!!!

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