Chapter 9

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Thank you guys for waiting so long! I hope you enjoy:)


Mia's POV

I'm sweating.... Why am I so hot...? Then I open my eyes and it's the sun... Oh my god it's bright. Suddenly the other side of the bed starts moving and I can hear deep breathing. I slowly turned over and there I saw Myles. I almost forgot about last night. We stayed up pretty late just talking then we laid down to watch a movie, and I passed out before it even started.

"Good morning beautiful," he said rubbing his eyes. His morning voice was irresistible, so deep and raspy. Calm down M! Gosh why does he have to be so cute?

"Good morning," I said shoving my face in my pillow.

"You look beautiful when you sleep by the way," he said as I slowly lifted my face from the pillow and looked at him.

"Kind of creepy but thank you."

"Well you feel asleep last night so I just happened to look over at you," he said brushing a strand of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

"I'm so hungry, by any chance do you happen to know how to make eggs and bacon?"

"You’re in luck, I actually do."

"Yay will you make me some?" I said as I sat up and gave him my signature puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. I might as well make a lot, the guys are probably hungry too, I’ll come and get you when the foods ready," he said getting up and then he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you Myles."

Once we went downstairs I decided to put my hair up, wash my face, and brush my teeth. All I could think about was how sweet Myles is and how amazing it smells. I could smell the bacon from my room. I was just about done, when the door opened and in walked Myles with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, foods ready, come on," he said taking my hand sliding his fingers between mine.

As we walked downstairs I could hear the guys talking. When we walked in still holding hands everyone looked up at us. Myles handed me my plate and I sat in the empty chair, then Myles sat next to me.

"Wow Mia. Our boy is so whipped over you, he even made you breakfast," Chris said nudging Myles. All I did was smile and look at Myles.

The rest of breakfast was kind of weird. Ryan didn't talk at all, I could tell Ryan kept looking over at me. The rest of the guys just talked about sports. Once we were done I decided I would do the dishes and all the boys went in the living room.

"Hey M," Ryan said helping me put away dishes. I didn’t know whether to say hey back or to ignore him just like he’s been ignoring me, but I decided to be nice.


"I just want to apologize for being a dick yesterday," he said. I could tell he was trying to avoid eye contact, but I could still hear how sincere his voice was.

"It's cool," I said. I wasn't showing much interest to what he was saying because I didn't want to forgive him too easy.

"Yah, so watsup with you and Myles, did you guys hook up last night?"

"Oh gosh, no we didn't. We just talked tell I fell asleep. Why?" I asked.

"No reason, just assuming you did."

"You’re assuming, what’s that supposed to mean," I said. How could he assume that? He's pretty much calling me a slut.

"Never mind, all I’m saying is that things go around fast."

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