Chapter 13

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Mia's POV


        Waking up in the morning wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I thought I would be depressed but I actually felt fine. After taking a shower, I felt quite refreshed. I got my clothes and headed down stairs. I heard Ryan in the kitchen making breakfast. Trying to avoid him, I walked straight to the front door. I was about to twist the knob when Ryan walked out of the kitchen. “hey, where are you going,” he asked.

“School? Why?” I questioned. Unless they canceled school I’m pretty sure we still have to go. 

“I know, but school doesn’t start for another hour,” he said looking at the watch on his wrist.

“Yah, but I still have to go get breakfast.”

“yes, that's the reason I made breakfast. Come on its getting cold,” he said motioning to the kitchen before walking in.

        I debated on just walking out and going to Starbucks but I realized that both Ryan and I should get to know each other since he's staying in my home. When I walked in the kitchen Ryan was setting the plates down, I sat across from him. The food actually looked really good, I was afraid to try it because he was being unusually kind. “what's going on? Why are you suddenly being so nice to me? You poisoned the food,” I awkwardly said. Everything was just so weird. He was nice last night and this morning. 

“Nothing's going on. Gosh, just trying to be nice and lighten the mood. We've been so down lately. Please, the food is completely edible, I took a few culinary classes freshman year.

        He still seemed off to me but I decided to let it go. The food was really good. I guess culinary class really paid off. It was so awkward just eating in silence. “So, I wanted to know if we could host a pool party this Friday? The guys and I would provide all the booze and food, we just need your permission. You can invite all your friends. What do you say?” he desperately asked. There it is! I knew something was up.

I never really had parties but I guess there's a first time for everything. “Well, sure I guess. This is your place too. Don't worry, I won't be here on Friday. Your mom asked me to babysit.”

“Awesome! Thanks, you should just cancel with my mom and have fun. She won't mind, she'll just have to find another sitter,” he said sounding pretty pumped. We were both done eating so he picked up our plates and I wiped down the counters.

“Well, see you at school,” I said walking toward the door. I can't believe I said yes to having a party. Plus, I lied to him about having plans on Friday with his mom, Shannon. I just don't like parties. They’re not the same without Jake. We watched out for each other, and made sure we didn’t act stupid. It was mostly him getting wasted. I really missed Jake but hes hurt me so much in a short period of time. He showed me that his anger and jealousy is stronger. Of course I will always care for him, it just won't be the same. I was five minutes away from school when Shannon text me saying that she helped lie for me and not to worry, that she has my back. Wow, I almost got caught. Now I really have to find some plans. 

        I finally got to school. I made sure to park in the far empty parking lot where the stoners park. No one would be able to find my car. But me being the most unlucky person in the world, Myles pulls up and parks right next to me. Myles and I have never DTR. Which pretty much means to define the relationship. He calls me babe, we hangout, and kissed a few times but we’ve never talked about it. Plus, he still refers to me as a friend, which is totally fine. I’m honestly not ready for a relationship, and I hate commitment.

He walked up to my window with a big grin. “hey, watsup! Dude, I’m stoked for Friday! Well, I gotta go. I'll catch up with you at lunch, we need to talk.” 

        That was weird. He didn’t even give me a chance to speak. He called me dude, I don’t even know what that was about. Maybe he's just so excited.


        Finally, it was lunch. I got a sandwich and water from the snack bar. I turned around to look for Myles but he was already waiting behind me, “hey, watsup,” I said. 

“Well, we need to talk. Come on, lets go to the court yard,” he lead us there, he sounded serious, a lot different from this morning. 

“Okay, whats up?”

“I really like you, I just don’t think we are working out. You have a lot of stuff to deal with. I kinda just want to be drama free. I'm not the type of guy to settle, I like to hook up at parties then forget about them the next day. Obviously you’re not that kind of girl. I need someone more advanced. Pretty much not a virgin.  Sorry. See you around,” he explained to me and then just walked away. I don’t know what to think. Should I be happy he doesn’t think I'm a slut or should I be hurt that I’m not slutty enough. For some reason I just felt hurt. Tears slowly started to fall down my cheek. Luckily no one was around. I was so hurt because I thought he was different, he seemed so sweet and caring. Guess he was just like any guy. He pretty much broke up with me without even asking me out in the first place. I realized that I was sobbing and I decided it would be best to go home. I fixed my makeup and walked in the cafeteria. I looked over to where Myles and the guys hangout. He was already all over girls. It hurt me even more but I kept my head high and sucked it up.


Hopefully you like this chapter. Sorry for the late update.

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