Chapter 11

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Hey dolls! Well, first I want to apologize for promising an update last week but never doing it. I had rough week I hope you guys understand. This is just a filler. I will update again this weekend. I hope you enjoy! Thank you!!!


Mia’s POV

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Ryan must have left last night or this morning. I was dreading to wake up. I did not want to think about yesterday. I am still in shock at what Jake did, but is still decided to get up and get ready, or at least presentable since I hear voices down stairs. After I took a shower I just put some black sweats on. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything. I walked in the kitchen and greeted Shannon. “Good morning, Shannon.”

“Good morning gorgeous, you hungry?” she asked.

“No thank you, I’m just gonna have apple,” I said, walking to the fruit bowl. I could hear the guys voices in the living room.

“The boys came by this morning, they insisted on making sure you were okay,” she said. 

“Okay,” I said taking a bite of my apple.

“Myles is also here, he’s outside sitting on the bench. He feels so guilty.”

“It’s not his fault, I’m gonna go say hi,” I said walking out. I feel so bad for Myles, it’s not his fault at all. It’s no one’s fault, because I can kiss who I want. Jake knows I’ve never had those kind of feelings for him. I thought I made myself clear. When I walked in Chris, Blake, Ryan, Daniel, and John were sitting on the sectional couch playing COD. When I sat on the little couch they all turned their heads in my direction. 

“Hi beautiful,” Chris said first breaking the silence.

“Hey guys, thanks for everything, I owe you guys,” I said looking at the ground. I couldn’t make eye contact with them because I didn’t want to look vulnerable.

“Of course, well we actually have something you could do for us to make it even,” he said.

“Sure what is it,” I said. I really hope its nothing to crazy.

“Go cheer up our boy Myles, we don’t like seeing him down,” he stated looking worried. As a matter of fact they all did.

“Of course,” I said walking out to Myles. He was sitting on the bench with his hand on his head.

“Hey Myles,” I said sitting next to him.

“Hey M,” he said trying to avoid my eyes, “I’m really sorry about yesterday. I should have stayed with you.”

“Nothing bad happened, I’m fine. And I don’t regret kissing you. As a matter of fact I would actually want another kiss,” the minute I said that he loved at me and his whole expression changed. He looked so happy. Then, he leaned in and kissed me. The way our lips moved in sync was perfect. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I gladly accepted. Our tongues were battling for dominance and he was winning. I started to play with his hair as he snaked his arms around my waist. We were kissing for about a minute, then somebody cleared their throat. It was Shannon.

“Sorry to interrupt but your mom’s on the phone,” she said then walked away. I nodded.

“Let’s go inside, we’ll finish this later,” I said pulling him from the bench. We walked inside and all the guys were staring at us. Talk about awkward. They kept smiling and I wondered why, it was because I was still holding Miles’ hand. I quickly let go and walked to the living room while Myles stayed back to talk to the guys. I got the phone and walked to the office. 

“Hey mom.” I was so nervous I didn’t know what I was going to say or how much she already knew.

“Hi mija, how are you doing? I’m so sorry about Jake, he’ll come around eventually,” she said in a soft voice.

“I’m doing fine. Just a little shaken up. Well I don’t know if I could ever trust him again,” I said. I didn’t realize until now that I was honestly mad at Jake. He truly did hurt me. I mean he did nearly hit me. How could I trust him again?

“I’m glad you’re fine. And mija Jake is your best friend, he’ll always love you. I talked to his parents and they said he’s really mad at himself for what he did and what he nearly did. Just promise me one thing, if he apologizes to you don’t be rude. I’m not necessarily saying you need to forgive him right away but at least listen to him,” I understood what she was telling me, but I was hurt. He’s supposed to be my best friend. He is the one that is supposed to be helping me with things like this, not other guys who I barely met. Then again I feel bad for him because I could only imagine how hurt he felt when he saw Myles and me kissing.

“I know, I promise I won’t act like a bitch.”

“Language mija, anyways I have to go now. I miss you and will call you later. I love you so much.”

“Okay, I love you. Bye mom.”

After that conversation with my mom, I realized I still have a lot of thinking to do about this situation. Should I forgive Jake? Should I chose another guy over my best friend? What do I do? I honestly didn’t know, all I know is that I need to choose fast.

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