Chapter 7

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Hey guys sorry I took so long to update! I've been so busy. Hope you enjoy!

Mia's POV

All day I've been watching movies, I occasionally go downstairs just to make sure Ryan and his friends aren't ruining my house. Every time it go downstairs, Ryan just glares at me and walks away. On the other hand his friend Myles won't stop trying to talk to me. He's actually really nice, but I have to be careful because after all he is Ryan's Friend.

The movie Mean Girls was over so I decided just to turn of my tv and go on my laptop. Just as I was grabbing my laptop bag, someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I said.

"Hey, it's me, Myles," he said walking in. I patted a spot next to my bed so he would sit down.

"Hey watsup. The boys boring you?"

"Actually they all left."

"Where to?"

"Some party, I didn't want to go. I hope you don't mind me staying till they get back?"

"No that's cool. Glad I'm not alone, I was getting bored anyway. What do you want to do?"

"Well, I don't know it's up to you?"

"Okay, what the watch a movie?" I offered. He seems different from all of Ryan's other friends.

"Sure, I'll drive."

"Alright let me get ready first."

"Okay, I'll be in the living room."

I decided to dress casual. I just wore a pair of black leggings and a big hoodie with my white hightop converse. I did my makeup natural. Once I was done I walked downstairs and got Myles. We walked out to his car, which is a Lexus.


Once we got to the theater we decided to watch The Lego movie. It was hilarious! After the movie Myles and I decided to go to Starbucks to get some coffee. Once we ordered we sat outside. "I had a great time," he said putting his hand on my knee. At that moment I felt kinda uncomfortable because Myles is Ryan's friend, but at the same time Myles seems different. In the short time period we've hungout he's showed me how sweet and funny he can be. 

"I actually did too," I put my hand over his, looking into his eyes. I noticed he started to lean in to kiss me so I turned away, "well, we should get going, its getting cold." 

"Sure, yah lets get going."

I felt really bad for stopping the kiss but I only met him today, for all I know he's probably just like Ryan. The car ride home was really awkward. By the time we got back it was one in the morning. There were two cars in my drive way but my parking spot was still open. "The guys are back," Myles said parking in my parking spot. Once we got in the house all you could here was my xbox from the living room.

"Hey Myles where you been?" said one of the guys as Myles walked in. then i walked in, "ohh you were with Mia, hey girl watsup?"

"Hey, not much we just went to go watch a movie, since you guys left him."

"Well someone had to stay with you, and he offered anyways."

"Well thanks Myles, I had a nice time, and Ryan you know I dont need a babysitter,"

"Well I didnt tell him to stay, they all said you needed someone to watch you, and plus I could care less about what happens to you," Ryan said still playing the game. Everyone got really quite.

"Wow, thanks. Well you guys are more than welcomed to spend the night, im heading up stairs for bed. Ohh and thanks for staying with me and for the movie I had a really great time. We should hangout again,"

"Yah me too, maybe tomorrow," he said standing up from the couch and walked towards me.

"Hey do you want to come upstairs with me and hangout right now," I said in front of all the guys. They all looked up right away, even Ryan looked up at us.

"Yah, sure lets go, hey guys goodnight see you tomorrow," he said waving back taking my hand.


Finally! Sorry I had writers block for like a week!!! ugh i hate it. Anyways, a Ryan's POV coming up next chapter, along with what happens with Myles and Mia. THANKS!!!!!!!


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