Chapter 4

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Hello! Again I am sorry for updating late. From now on I will update when I can, my life is to busy to have a set schedule. Thanks:)


As I drove to school I couldn't help thinking about Ryan. He pissed me off. But I was also mad at Jake. If we would have left when I wanted to I wouldn't have gotten drunk and made the bet. Jake waited for me in our usual spot. I wanted to punch him.

"Hey beautiful," he said knowing I was angry. I ran over to him and slapped him.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now, you fucking left me," I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry, and don't worry about the bet he won't make you do anything."

"You fucking knew and you still gave him my number and address. "

"No first he asked and I gave it to him without thinking, then Alex called me and told me, I'm really sorry."

"Ugh I'm sorry for slapping you I'm just frustrated," I said feeling guilty.

"It's okay babe, I still love you," he said giving me a hug. He always flirts with me when I'm mad so I forgive him.

"Whatever let's go."

We walked to class and I saw Ryan. He winked at me before continuing his conversation with some girl. I know he won't make me do it but still I know he won't stop teasing me.


The bell rang, finally I get to go home. I met Jake by the car. "Hey I won't be able to go to your house till 6:00 is that okay?" He asked.

"Yah no prob, see yah later."

I got in my car and left. I know my mom won't be home so got some fast food before heading home. Once I got home I saw a bunch of cars in my drive way, so I parked in the side walk. Wtf is going on. I walked inside the house since it was unlocked. "Mom, are you here?"

"Yes mija I'm in the living room."

I walked in to see three women and one man sitting on the sectional and my mom on the recliner. "What's going on, who are they?"

"Hello mija, they are from the FBI."

"Okay?" I said unsure.

"They are offering me a job as an investigator."

"Okay, so?"

"Well it's just that I have to leave for two months of training."

"But mom I don't want to move!"

"Don't worry we aren't moving anywhere we will still stay here but training is in Florida, I will comeback afterwards to work here."

"Okay good," I said feeling very relieved, "Am I going with you."

"Well you have the choice to stay here, and my friend will watch over you every once in a while or you can go with me?"

"I want to stay, Jake can spend the night and he will watch over me."

"Don't worry I talked to his parents and over the weekends he can spend the night when he wants but my friend Shannon will come over everyday to make sure you are fine, she also has a son your age who will come stay."

"Okay, wow I'm so proud of you mom!"

"Thank you mija, well I am leaving right now, this is Shannon's address go over today at six for dinner, I love you so much and here is a credit card to buy the things you need, I left Shannon a card so she can buy you groceries, behave," she said looking like she was about to cry.

"Don't cry mom, this is a one in a lifetime experience, I love you too," I said giving her a tight hug. I was sad that she was leaving so soon but I was happy for her.

"Okay bye love you!"

She walked out the door as the men followed her. They were probably her security guards. Once I heard the doors lock and the cars leave it finally hit me. I was alone. I pulled out my phone but someone unlocked the door and came in. It was Jake! I ran to him and jumped up in his arms crying as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He hugged me tightly knowing I was crying. I finally stopped crying so he put me down but still he held me knowing I needed it. "Awe M don't cry, I'm here."

"I know I just have never been alone."

"Your not alone. You have me and whoever that Shannon lady is. I will spend the night Friday if you want?"

"Yes, please, do you know who this Shannon lady is?"

"No I thought you knew," he said as we walked to the couch.

"No, her son is our age though, he will be staying in my guest room."

"Weird. I don't know how I feel about having a stranger sleep in the same house as my best friend."

"Awe don't get jealous," I said nudging his elbow. I know Jake really likes me. He always flirts but I ignore it. We've talked about getting into a relationship. Or should I say he's talked about it. I don't really see him the way he sees me.

"Whatever Jake, don't count on it," I said walking into the kitchen.

"It's okay M, I know you don't see me how I see you but you will one day."

"Okay until then just wait."

"Well I gotta go, I have practice. Bye babe, love you," he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright bye Jake, love you too."

I love having Jake around but sometimes I feel bad. I don't want to leave him on and have him thinking he has hope. Because I just don't see him like that. Enough with the heavy, I need to go get ready for Shannon's tonight.


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