Chapter 5: Lone Stray Command

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Author note: okay so, things will get better from here :3 I promise you that. Sansy will make you all better :P


I don't know how but my sight on souls has come back, shouldn't I have died? I felt constricted of breath as something was wrapped around my torso and I heard a heart beat monitor on my left side. Am I in a hospital? Were hospital beds this comfy? And where am I? I saw the monsters but their words seemed to blend together and I looked through them. A dinosaur, fish lady, a tall orange skeleton that seemed the loudest, a goat lady who seemed kind and worried. Lastly, my eyes landed on the blue soiled skeleton, staring and drowning everyone out. I feel like he should give an order, I'm not sure why. Usually I only listen to Jack but he isn't here and I feel drawn to him. "Hey guys, we might want to pipe down for a moment, tibia honest, the kiddo here looks confused" and with that, the noise was gone but I didn't respond to any of them, I learned from Jack not to talk to others in his presence so what was any difference between then and now? "Are you alright my child?" it was the goat lady but I didn't answer right away, only giving a small nod, not even looking to her as I brought my knees up to my chest lightly.

Why are they worried about me when they don't even know me? "Kid, I may be a numbskull but your burning holes in my skull" I twitched a small smile at that but I wasn't prepared for any of this. I looked away and towards the group, they were all smiling at me but the smile on the fish lady's face looked intimidating so I looked at the tall lanky skeleton who looked brimming with excitement. "THE HUMAN IS OKAY THEN SANS? DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD WANT SOME SPAGHETTI?" his loud voice was booming and I flinched back slightly and looked down, seeing nothing now except the mixture of glows from each soul. Why are they here? What do I do? It was easier to tell what Jack's rules were but I don't know anything on their rules. If I speak, will they hurt me? "Bro, I don't think right now is the best time. But maybe another time?" he sounded hesitant and I could feel his stare on me. Was he asking me if I wanted to? I nod and I felt a hand on my shoulder, a boney hand which caused me to freeze, did I answer incorrectly or was it because I didn't talk?

"Hey kiddo, it's alright to talk you know, no skin off my bones" did he just make that bad of a pun? I giggled lightly and looked up to the skeleton. "Sorry master" apparently that was the wrong phrase as they all looked at me sadly when I scanned the room. "Uhh well, you don't have to call me or anyone else that, very awkward. Why don't we greet each other and say our names?" the goat lady suggested kindly, I think I might grow to like her, very much reminded me of Vivi. I look to Sans again and he nods, encouraging me to introduce myself first "my names ____" I see the shine on their forms in what I can only assume is excitement. The tall lanky skeleton was the first to introduce himself "MY NAME IS THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND I HOPE YOU ARE FEELING BETTER HUMAN!" I could see he was striking a pose and I heard something rustle in invisible wind, how is that done? I saw the goat monster give a kind close eyed smile and extent her paw "my name is Toriel, it is nice to meet you ____" I took it but pulled it back a few seconds later, not sure how to feel or think right now.

Before I could really see it, I was pat on the shoulder hard and I let out a squeak "THE NAMES UNDYNE PUNK!" I shivered in slight fear from the intimidating tone, no matter how friendly she looked, it sounded like she wanted a fight. I can't fight, I'm useless in a fight. I started hyperventilating and they all backed up a bit with worried looks. I drowned out their calls in favor of trying to get my breathing under control. I felt a comforting hand in my back, rubbing circles there and heard Sans' voice "breathe, everything's all right, let's talk" talk....breathe, focusing. I need to focus. I focused on his hand rubbing my back, his voice telling me it was alright. Eventually, my breathing did even out and I was tired again but hungry, so very hungry. My stomach gave a loud rumble that had me blushing despite myself. Sans laughed heartily and let go, I already missed that warmth. "Hey Paps, could you make some spaghetti for _____? I don't think she has eaten yet" I heard the scrambling and the door being slammed open "GLADLY BROTHER! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL HAVE IT DONE IN NO TIME!"

With that, everyone seemed to be ushered out by Toriel with a pleasant farewell. Except for Sans who was sitting next to me on the bed. "You don't seem like the talkative type, wanna talk bout it?" I honestly could actually speak now...."I usually am not allowed to speak unless told" my voice sounded cracked, how long was I out? I can only guess for a few days at least. "Well you can put that rule down the drain here tibia honest. None of us here command anyone to do things unless truly necessary" I thought on that and felt like I needed to ask a bit more "so I don't have to be prettied up for a concert?" I really needed to know, it feels awkward not to have that happen. I felt his arm go around my neck and looked up from my knees. He looked sad, did I say something to upset him? Before I could ask, he replied "you don't have to do anything around here that you don't want to, we barely have any rules. If any, there is one that you have to heed" I saw those circles disappear from where his eyes would be on his skull and I whimpered, tightening into a ball to look small. "You are not to harm anyone, especially Papyrus" his voice was ominous and I felt tears slip down my cheek that I thought would be long gone by now.

I cried and sobbed and that seemed to break him out of that murderous look as he shushed me softly, hugging me to his side as I shook "you got to understand that I need to protect everyeone, even you as long as no one is hurt. I know your a good person but I can't throw caution to the wind" he said it in a calming voice but it still didn't work, I was still crying, why couldn't I stop crying? His words were still replaying in my mind. I heard him sigh and curse to himself before he brought my head back up to his face, when had it fallen? "Hey" he was looking guilty and I tried to stop the shaking "I trust ya ____, I'm sorry for scaring you" he wrapped me in a hug soon after and it took a few more minutes for the shaking to be done and my crying to stop. It felt nice, whatever he was wearing felt nice, fluffy and....was it a jacket for colder climates? "I know some puns that are rib ticklers if you have a funny bone for it" he said in my ear in a playful tone and I let out a wet giggle, feeling hunger pangs go through me again. He let's go and draws back to look at me, exmaning what seemed to be my chest "after we get some food into ya. Don't worry about Papyrus' cooking, its gotten better since coming to the surface" why would I worry...? He got up and held out a hand for me to take which I took without hesitation, feeling the warm smooth bone as he pulled me up. He started walking away and I followed but before I could, he had somehow vanished and appeared somewhere downstairs. I tried feeling around and eventually found the door. I can't see anything but souls....I didn't tell him this, did I? Looks like I will have to soon unless Jack were to find me. I shoved that thought away as I made it downstairs, barely stopping myself from tripping. I may have to tell him after food however, cause you can small the delicious food from here. Are you allowe- yes, Sans had said there are no rules except that one rule and I gripped the chair I found instantly and sat down, watching Sans lean back lazily, looking as though he was drifting off. won't be soo bad here after all.

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