Chapter 7: Even Questions

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Author note: time for some questions to be answered o3o lets see how much the reader and Sans can learn about each other!


After a much needed breakfast, he had suddenly pulled me back into the room and back on the bed. I guess he does need me to be healthy, is what I'm guessing. He sat next to me and had this relaxed grin on his skull. "Okay kiddo, here is my first question" those lights in his eyesockets turned to me, head not turned in the slightest as he leaned backwards, using his arms as support. It looked kind, is hot the word? Ya, I think it is but I am not going to voice it unless demanded. I gave him my full attention "tell me what you CAN see" I can answer that though Jack never knew I could see anything really. "I can see souls, or atleast, I think their souls. I can see you in dark blue, green in miss Toriel, orange in Papyrus and so on. But with humans....I think all I can see is a heart, kind of cartoonish so I never believed it really, might even still be my imagination" I shrugged it off but he looked surprised and almost alarmed by it.

"You can see souls. The most private thing to a monster" I couldn't see it But he was probably blushing, I mean, I just told him something that probably has weight to like having sex with them is what I am getting. "Yeah, didn't know it was private but it's the only way I can see so I am stuck with that." he looked like he got shellshocked and I grew a bit worried, why would I be worried about him when we just met a few days ago? "Sans?" he snapped out of it and I could actually see sweat on his skull, how does that work exactly? "Kiddo, can you see your own soul?" "is this part of the 20 questions?" at that he huffed and pat my head with one hand and sat up again. "Nope, but it would be good to know" I wouldn't have hesitated anyways but I just wanted to tease, tease without being punished that is. "I can't see my own soul, I don't know why but it's almost like I don't have one" but I know I have one, I mean, I still have emotions so I'm definitely not heartless. He glances down at my chest again and I almost want to cover it up but that was being childish, especially when worse things have happened to me.

"Huh, so like, do you want to see your soul sometime?" he suddenly looked nervous as soon as he said that but I nodded anyways "someday, definitely not now. I mean, it's intimate right?" he nods, so I was correct about that assumption. "Then I can wait" I flopped backwards onto the bed and sighed, it didn't feel right for some reason. "Your turn kiddo. Oh and we gotta keep it down for Paps, he's asleep now" I smiled, brotherly love, if only I was that way with my brother and sister but they allowed me to be sold to Jack so I don't think they would care to try. I thought about what I wanted to ask. How are your bones so warm? Why was your soul visible in your ribcage earlier but not now? Maybe I should start simple, like on the why. "Why do you care about how I'm doing?" huh, sounds a bit insensitive to my ears but he just responds immediately "because no one should be treated badly, especially THAT badly. And for some reason, I couldn't get to sleep

Cause my soul wanted to help you specifically. Didn't care about the HATE soul that was your boyfriend, it just wanted you safe" that made a warm feeling go through me but I ignored it for now "your turn" I flipped over onto my stomach and sighed, waiting for his question. When he didn't immediately ask, I looked over and froze. Those circles in his eyesockets were gone again but with the same smile, looking ominous again. "How long have you been tortured by Jack" his words were slow and hard, not even trying to make the question seem easy to say. This look of his terrified me so I did what I always did when terrified usually, I answered, I complied "12 years in total, 11 years when it started" it all came out as a whisper and as if he could sense my fear, his eyelights were back and he didn't look as stiff. "11 years is a long time, didn't you try getting out?" I clamped my teeth together and hesitantly talked back to him "it isn't your turn" it still left a sore spot in your memory from those times I did.

"My turn. Are new master?" he certainly seems to be someone I'm compelled towards but when he flinched at my words, I instantly knew I should have shut up. I curled up a bit as he answered. " one's your master, no one's going to be your master unless you want them to be from now on, your free from that time, you have to let it go" let it can I when its all I've known for over 12 years? 

Sans' POV:

I know she was with her ex boyfriend for awhile but for 12 years? That almost made my soul break, what did he do to her? When she asked me that, I knew it was from how she lived but it was also her soul. The compliance soul type needs a master or it will begin to become a grey, a mindless husk of what it once had been and what it could have been. I haven't seen the effects yet but it might happen sooner than I think. But I have never even seen a compliant soul except once and Gaster had become the master, binding his magic to her When he was failing to keep her as a 'test subject' honestly, the term was sickening considering the damage he did to that one. What had compelled Gaster to do it? After the soul finally broke, he just fell into the core.

If one of us was to be the master here, I'm not sure what the side effects would be but I was willing to risk it. I sighed heavily at the decision but decided to leave it be unless her soul shows the signs and brought her onto my lap, she didn't refuse it either. Is she already considering it? My soul is strong but the only ones who outmatch me there is Asgore, Toriel and Gaster. My soul is still calling to be let out but I can't just let her see how much her own soul is affecting mine. I need to think on this. But I need to decide quickly before her soul changes its mind or loses itself. I can't allow that to happen. Now that I think on it, Frisk hasn't reset...does that mean everything I do is finally permanent? Or is she just debating? I felt myself growl and felt ____ tense up on my lap. "Sorry sorry, wasn't directed towards you, just thinking on some things" definite truth but I can't tell her or anyone. They would see me as crazy and I don't want that. She visibly relaxed as I pet her hair, it was pretty long and mangled, maybe a shower was in order before the Royal Police arrive in a few days. Before then is when I decide and if she is willing as I'm seeing.

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