Chapter 13: Only With Your Consent

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Author note: Your soul is beginning to drain of color. Lets see what Sans does. WARNING: bit of kissing


Waking up felt like a nightmare to you, you didn't want to wake up. Why couldn't I just stay asleep forever, not having to deal with all of this? It hurt thinking about what could happen so easily. I felt numb, felt like just accepting all that will happen again. You still wonder how your even comfortable with bones around you and turn around, only for me to freeze up in shock. I didn't see the usual blue and through the darkness, I could see a white boney face against my neck, looking content and free of stress. This, was this sight? I touched his face and traced his smile, mesmerized by how smooth it was and traced my hand to the fluff on his jacket, finally noticing where all the fluffy feeling comes from when I hug him. I sighed and smiled widely, shaking him awake, wanting to see his reaction. "Sans, wake up!" I'm not even sure how I am able to see but I couldn't believe it! He groaned and scrunched up his face, saying five more minutes. I couldn't help the giggle and I did something I probably wouldn't have done if I wasn't so excited. I leaned up and kissed his jaw which instantly made his face blue and opening his eyesockets wide. "Woah woah woah, eheh, isn't it a bit t-to early to just jump my bones kiddo?"

I brought my lips back in surprise, heat going to my face as I try to scramble off the bed, only to be pulled back with his tail. "Leaving so soon after pulling that little stunt on me?" he gives out an amused laugh and I could barely see him in the dark but I could see his hand cup my cheek and giving me a smaller smile than usual. "Now I have to return the favor, now don't I?" I opened my mouth to ask what he meant but I watched as he quickly brought his skull to my face and felt smooth bone against my mouth. I internally scream from embarrassment and he leans away, looking smug. "What, cat got your tongue?"

Sans' POV:

What was I doing? I must be half asleep if I can't even get my brain to process self control. I blushed a bit at what I said but she had crawled onto my lap suddenly and pulled me into a kiss hard. I felt like putty then and there and I couldn't help the strangled choke of surprise, not expecting this first thing in the morning. I growled slightly and she froze. I summoned my tongue and licked her lips, eliciting a gasp from her and she pulled away a bit to stare in shock. I chuckled and literally slurped it back into my mouth which seems to shock her even more. I thought she couldn't be surprised even more and this worried me as she just stared "now why did you wake me up?" I asked, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. This shakes her out of it and she seems to stutter out her answer. "I umm we-well you s-see, I'm uhh....I'm able to see now" wai-what!? I stared at her as she squirmed, watching my face for a reaction. "You...can see?" she can see the room we're in? Oh shit, I haven't cleaned up at all and the sock piles are still around the room, the trash tornado is up as well. I fought my nerves and my soul screaming at me to clean up right now.

I grinned widely in excitement, trying to ignore the urge and brought her into a hug "Thats amazing!" I felt awed, did my magic do that last night? She let out a cute adorable squeak at being hugged suddenly and she heugged back. I had a look at her soul and I felt my calm shatter, her soul had a crack going down the side that was grey, a full whitened grey, like dust. It was even going over my temporary magic and causing it to turn into a pale blue. I pulled back from the hug and looked down at her worriedly and she looked confused. "Sweetheart, do me?" I had to ask, I truly did. If she didn't, I would not be able to help her, the soul would reject mine. She looked sternly up at me and huffed, looking insulted "of course I do. You have taken care of me and Papyrus and don't seem to see me as a burden even though you should. I'm not even sure why I'm soo attached but it just feels.....r-right" there's my answer. I even got a cute little blush out of her and I could only smile, albeit, strained from what I am about to do. I placed my left hand on her chest and she looked down, blushing harder and I leaned my skull to her neck, whispering "I'm going to pull out your soul, alright?" and she seemed to relax against my hand, nodding slowly like she was in a daze.

I summoned my magic carefully, beginning to pull her soul out slowly, this will be the first time she is conscious with her soul being pulled out. She let out an involuntary whimper and tensed. I stopped slightly and whispered encouraging words and brought my hand up to the small of her back, rubbing calmly until she settled down again. "Your doing good, it will feel funny but it's something I have to do" I felt bad for this but...... I eventually got it out, bringing myself away from her to show it hovering above my hand, blue dark green and grey clashing towards the center. She seemed more attentive on my flaming blue eye however and I extinguished it so she would look at her soul instead. When she saw it, she looked nervous "why does it...l-look like that?" she tried reaching out for the grey but I held it back. "This is the very culmination of your being, the very manifestation of who you are. However....I ha-have noticed its...losing its mental stability by the hour" I dodnt want to say how permanent it could be if it got any larger. "So that's what I was feeling when I woke up" she sounded somewhat annoyed and I let out a good old laugh. "Now relax and let me do all the work, I'll have your soul nice and pretty again" I cooed out and she couldn't speak except to bury her head in my jacket, making childish embarrassed noises. I let it go and looked to her soul, rubbing my index phalange against it and I heard her hitch in a breathe. I grinned and held her closer to me, looking at her soul as it glowed a bit brighter before going back down. I will bond with her, even if she has to feel my feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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