Chapter 2

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"Skulker, over here!" Danny Phantom called.

When he had slipped out of the Specter Speeder Skulker was trying to get through the Ghost Shield around the bus. When he saw Danny he pushed the bus onto a lower island and flew straight towards him. He winced he hoped no one was hurt.

"Ghost Child, I felt your presence in the ghost zone and decided to go on a little hunt." Skulker said.

"Skulker can we not do this today. I'm a little busy." Danny asked in a exasperated voice, "Will you please get into the Fenton Thermos?"

Just then Skulker started charging toward Danny.

"I guess not."

Danny side-stepped the Skulker's punch and threw a Ecto-Blast at him. Skulker was infuriated, he launched some Ghost Net Missiles at Danny.


Just after Danny phased out of the speeder, Sam turned to Tucker.

"How are we going to distract them so they don't notice Danny is gone?" Sam asked

"I have an idea." Tucker Pulled out his PDA and typed in the command BOX_GHOST_HOLOGRAM. he clicked on the link and a hologram of the Box Ghost appeared in the middle of the speeder. Tucker programmed him to say: "Beware! For I am the Box Ghost!."

"That should distract them."


Just Before that awful Box Ghost appeared he was taking attendance. Just before he was about to start counting again, the speeder pushed and crashed into a small piece of land.

"Pride and Prejudice! what was that!" Mr. Lancer said.

Everybody rushed to the window to take a look.

"Look!" Paulina squealed, "its the Ghost Boy!"

Mr. Lancer looked out the window and sure enough the Ghost boy was fighting another ghost.

The Ghost Boy blasted the other ghosts missiles out of the air. While he was still recovering from the last blow the ghost boy pulled out what looked like a thermos and vacuumed up the ghost.

Sorry the chapter is short. Had basketball tryouts. Made Varsity!!!!(as a freshman!) Hope you like it. 

Yours truly,


Danny Phantom: A Trip to the Ghost Zone (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now