Chapter 7

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All of a sudden there was a burning sensation in my right shoulder. I looked down at it and saw a giant burn mark where the pain was coming from. I turned and looked at Dani.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked her, fighting to stay awake. I fell to my knees just as she answered.
"I'm okay I'm not hurt." Dani said sobbing.
After that blackness consumed me.
Just then the ghost called Ember flew over to me and got right up in my face and said, "What were you thinking! You were trying to shoot Dani but Danny being a great loving guy took the bullet for her. You shot your own son!"
Maddie was absolutely petrified. I stuttered a reply still in shock.
"Well she-e-e is a g-ghost and....Danny.....but why did he... how....he couldn't have gotten hurt by the ecto-blast... Humans don't get hurt by them."
Ember was about to say something when Sam came over and said, "Mrs. Fenton we are in the ghost zone, we are living people in a world for dead people. We are ghosts in the ghost zone, watch." And she turned around and stuck her hand into the wall, then she grabbed my hand and stuck it through the wall also.
"See Mrs. Fenton, we are the ghosts here."
I turned and looked at my son. Who by now was receiving medical attention from the yeti like ghost called Frostbite. Just the Danny sat up and looked around. Sam and Dani rushed over and gave him a hug, Tucker waited until he could squeeze in and get a hug to.
I sat up and was looking around the room to see where I was when I was bombarded by hugs from Sam and Dani. Then the moved over a little so Tucker could get in.
"Is everyone alright? Are any of you hurt?" I asked.
Sam looked right into my eyes and said, "Danny everyone is fine thanks to you. Now stop worrying and get some rest."
Pandora was herding everyone into the other room so all the ghosts plus Sam and Tucker could talk.
"Danny you look really pale. Are you sure your okay?" Tucker asked.
I was about to answer when Frostbite said, "I am afraid there is some bad news. Danny's ghost half is taking over his human half. So every time he gets hurt, or put under great stress, he becomes closer to death, causing his human side to grow weaker and weaker  until it dies. Allowing Danny to become full ghost."
I just stared at Frostbite. While everyone else was staring me.
"I'm dying." I said.

A/N: Hey guys sorry it's late had to do some yard work. Sorry the format is different I typed this one on my phone. Hope you enjoy. -PhantomGirl23

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