Chapter 14

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I sat up and felt really dizzy. I don't know what happened. My head started to hurt and then I blacked out. I looked up at Sam and ask.

"What happened?" I ask, but as i looked around I noticed that everyone was staring at me with their mouths open. My parents had their ecto blasters aimed at me.

"Oh no," I said as i looked at Sam, "It happened." She slowly nodded. I slowly stand or float up off the ground.

"Well every one I'm the king of the ghost zone, and well I'm 98.7% I just died and we are going to my palace for my coronation. Please don't  freak out we can't be harmed when  I'm with you. and........... why is no one freaking out?"

Everyone just stared at Danny with their mouths hanging open.

"Well then we should probably get moving."

Danny started floating down the path to his castle hoping everyone would follow...

Danny Phantom: A Trip to the Ghost Zone (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now