Chapter 12

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 As I looked at the small glowing green stone in my hand I began to wonder about the first king of the Ghost Zone, but that would have to wait for later we had to get to my castle and we only had five days to do it.

(Ha left you at a bloody cliff hanger with that one)

  We were all in the main room eating before we left. I was still Danny Fenton but my hair was white and my eyes were turning more green each day. It was like when I first got my powers sometimes I would turn intangible or go invisible. I had to be very careful around my class. I didn't want them to know my secret until we got to my castle. I walked up to the front of the room and started to give an announcement;

"Hey everybody!" I shouted. Every one turned to look at me and was ready to listen surprisingly,

 "Okay, we are heading to a safe have five days west of here," everyone groaned but Sam and 

Tucker, "there is a portal to the human world there so you all can go home." Everyone cheered 

at that, except Sam and Tucker again. "There will be a whole legion of guards going with us for protection. Lets go!"

  With that we set off West with San Tucker and I in the lead and a legion of troops around us. We were making good time, mainly because there were no ghost attacks. I think the news got around about me being the new king of the Ghost Zone. We set up camp after a whole day of walking. Four days left. My main worry now was getting there on time. I still had the stone in my pocket. It seemed to be humming with energy. I waited till everyone but San and Tucker were asleep then I asked them to follow me.

  We walked far away from the group. I took the stone out of my pocket and put it n the palm of my hand. All of a sudden it got really hot and there was a bright flash of light.

A/N:  I hope you guys like the chapter. Another bloody cliff hanger I know. Pleas don't kill me in my sleep. (The sleep I do get) Remember my Cover Contest. I really like to see your ideas!

Yours in Fandom,


Danny Phantom: A Trip to the Ghost Zone (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now