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How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!”

Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius.


The gorgeousness of Hogwarts was the one thing that no person that had ever set foot in its grounds could by any chance deny. The magic residing in its ancient walls spoke for its grandeur and antiquity, and people who could feel this magic resonating inside them would usually feel nothing but belonging to every inch in the majestic castle.

But from all those who had entered Hogwarts throughout the centuries, Lily Evans was, by far, one of the most unexceptionally appreciative of its mesmerising beauty. Lily began to wander its space from the moment she had entered. She had an affinity for exploring every bit of it and unveiling its deepest mysteries. She simply loved everything about that castle that it actually meant calamity if a day had passed by without her dwelling on its ethereal beauty.

However, that day did come indeed.

By noon of a particular eventful day in her seventh year, Lily had retreated to the Gryffindor common room in order to finish her remaining essay. Soon lost in its content, she did not perceive the wandering of her own mind until she felt the wave of usual distress resurfacing. It went back again to the triggering source; the terrible news in dinner.

Still, she tried to suppress the flashing memory from her mind; bottle everything up as usual. However, that unspoken tide demanded immediate attention to her airless, tight lungs, before the sadness consumes her wholly.

Thus, Lily headed to her favourite place in the whole wide castle; the Astronomy Tower.

There was something particularly special of the towering Tower. Being able to see not just the whole castle but the entirety of the sky was fascinating for her all-time attachment to the ground. The air itself felt special and different, as if asking its visitants to behold, to visit its lonely stones outside of classes.

As Lily was about to get out of the common room, the portrait was opened and she came face-to-face with her kind-hearted Remus Lupin.

Oh no.

“Hey, Remus.” Lily greeted him quickly, her emerald eyes darting to the opened door behind his posture, diverting her eyes as humanely quickly to be able to bypass without worrying him and absolutely ruining his night with sobs in his arms if she just opened her mouth.

“Hello, Lily... are you alright?” he asked, immediately sensing his best friend’s concern, and her plan close to failed.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just longing for some air. See you later, Remy.” Lily replied with a small smile on her face and left without another word.

“Weird...” he whispered to himself as he headed towards the armchair Lily had been occupying by the fireplace and started his own essays.

Or rather just glanced at his essays, for not a minute later the sole Potter heir approached him from their dormitory, descending the stairs with a graceful stride and unmatched ease.

And by then Remus could never mix those two together.

“What are you doing here alone, Moony?” James asked, rubbing his tired eyes from the toll of their day.

“Just finishing some essays... Why aren’t you doing so yourself?” Remus questioned with a friendly frown on his face, knowing full well of the later that will proceed.

“Later, perhaps,” James replied, diving down in the chair in front of Remus and sighing heavily. “Now my mind is vastly disturbed and I don’t think I’ll be able to concentrate on anything at all.”

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