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From the very first glance at Regulus Black one would surely consider him an aesthetical person; be it from his calm and composed posture, or the strikingly handsome artistic face he seemed to have been born with which emitted elegance and grace.

But these were the visible reasons why though, and the deep legitimate ones like his love of decoration and his exquisite paintings that reflected his mystifying brain were the hobbies nobody seemed to know of, thanks to his secrecy about them.

Regulus was so fond of art; something that most of his family appreciated too. Hence, it was expected that his older cousin’s sense of decoration in her manor might meet his elevated expectations.

The manor wasn’t fully decorated by her though, due to living in a great ancient one that has been there for ages, but Narcissa Malfoy did know how to add her feminine touches to make everything far more alluring.

And Regulus loved that manor, starting from its exterior with the beautiful serene gardens surrounding it, until its interior and the grandeur of every inch. He was an intuitively observant person, and contemplating the world around him was the kind of thing he would do in his free time, which brought him immense assuagement every single time.

But although living in a great wide manor has its amazing perks, sometimes its disadvantages makes you forget everything fascinating about it, especially if you’re a resident there or even a frequent visitor.

A clear June night it was when a wizard, the darkest wizard of all known as Lord Voldemort, decided to gather his most trusted followers. Volunteers were a lot as usual, for every time there was a different household for the new meeting. And of course one of the volunteers for the setting of that day’s meeting was none other than Lucius Malfoy, as it was — in his dictionary — a great honour that the Dark Lord would bestow him with his gracious presence in his manor.

His wife, however, internally felt that it was a bad move from him to do. That even though she believed in Lord Voldemort’s mission, she was also trying subconsciously to stay beside the wall as much as she can. Her presence was respected though, no way just as her older sister of course, and she was able to attend those meetings set up in her house.

And she thanked the real Lord for allowing her to attend that particular one because of the interesting events that would unfold that day.

A long table was set up in the grand drawing room of the Malfoy Manor where everybody was to be seated, and in a matter of minutes had it been full, all awaiting the arrival of the Dark Lord.

Small talks then began between the group known as the Death Eaters, all ranging between letting others know of their latest achievements or gathered intel. A few minutes had passed until all sat up when they heard the unnerving crack of apparition.

All of those present bowed to the awaited comer, and Lord Voldemort soundlessly crossed the room and sat on the head chair where he waved his hand for his loyal followers to sit down. They all had obeyed then, watching the Dark Lord intently with some sort of admiration in each and every eye of theirs, waiting for him patiently to start talking.

Lord Voldemort had then started the meeting, getting informed of all movements from his Death Eaters and asking about the missions he had told them to accomplish. Almost half an hour had passed this way, until silence fell and Voldemort turned to the one and only Lucius Malfoy.

“So, where is our guest, Lucius?” he had asked intriguingly, breaking the momentary silence.

“He’s here my Lord; allow me to go fetch him.” Lucius replied and Voldemort nodded his approval.

So Lucius then sat up and moved gracefully towards one of the many rooms that belonged to his ancestors’ manor, ordered to lead his wife’s cousin to the person he had been eager to see for a while. Admittedly, Lucius was astonished but proud of him for trying to join the powerful rank from such a young age, but secretly there was also a small envious voice inside him telling him to beware Regulus and his profound intelligence, for he might become as trustworthy to the Dark Lord as him. For a shuddering moment even, his brain thought that maybe one day Regulus will be even more.

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