New Beginings

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i sighed not wanting to leave the warmth of my Dad's car, he was parked outside the school doors and waited patiently to get out. my blue back pack was sitting in my lap, i could hardly move. i had my phone in my hand and earbuds ready, but i didn't feel ready. 

"It's okay Dylan, you'll do fine. besides it is the first day, you might meet new people." My dad said reashuringly. 

i sighed and nodded, i knew i wasn't going to make it through the day. i hated the school i went to, i hated the people who seemed to blame me for all their problems. i put on my ear buds and blasted some music that other's would call lame. i got out of the car, throwing my bag on my shoulder and walking quickly in. 

"Dylan, my man!" I heard Sebastian yell behind me. 

i turned to face my only friend, Sebastian Wilkes Captain of the soccer team and one of  the line backs on the football team. he jogged up to me, flashing me his world famous smile. i sighed and walked up to him pulling out a bud, Wilkes was considered a cool kid, i was quiet the opposite. i sometimes wondered why we were still friends, i was thankful but there were many other guys that were a lot cooler than me. 

he ran a hand through his red hair and grinned, he pulled me into a hug that i should have been expecting but wasn't.

"Loosen up man! Gosh look at that!" he exclaimed releasing me.

i turned, catching my breath to see two of the girls most people considered Nerds or Geeks walk by. 

"Your people!" he laughed. 

i sent him a glare, he grinned and we walked into the school. almost immediately people swarmed around us, i knew that they wanted to see Seb and i was quickly pushed out of the group. he sent me an apologetic smile and i shrugged walking off to my class. 

kids pushed past me in their own worlds, some laughed with their friends others were just talking. i silently wished i had a friend i could just talk with, a friendship were i wouldn't feel the odd man out. i felt someone's eyes on me and i turned around to see a girl leaned up against the wall, her friend was chatting non-stop and hadn't seem to notice the other girl wasn't paying attention. 

her hair was a mess of chocolate curls that ended right before the end of her ribs. she wore a tight shirt that read "Fight me bitch" and jean short shorts with black tights underneath. her black converse were beat up pretty bad but went well with her bad girl look. she watched through a pair of nerd glasses, a sly smile on her lips. she wasn't chubby or over weight but she wasn't skinny, i could see that she had some love handles but that didn't seem to matter. she was the kind of girl my brain screamed get away, drug dealer!  but i couldn't stop staring at her. 

her eyes slowly left mine as she went back to listening to her friend, i didn't know my heart was beating so hard until she stopped looking at me. i fought with these feelings, what was i thinking? i turned and walked off quickly to my first period. 

Sebastian had that class with me and ran to sit next to me. he talked on and on about the new football team he was going to try out for, but i wasn't listening. 

"Yo dude, you okay? i haven't seen you this spaced since Miranda asked if you wanted to be partners in a science project, in like, first grade." he said giving me a small shove. 

"Seriously, you're still jealous that she asked me and not you?" i asked. 

he grinned, i smiled back and went back to scribbling some useless words on my notepad. Mr. Jones the biology teacher was a cool and chill dude that really didn't care, he seemed more interested on  the conversation on his phone than teaching his class. I sighed thinking of all the tutoring Sebastian would force on me, the bell rang and class started half way through the class was interrupted.

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