November 5th

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the days that followed i ignored her, Adele and Sebastian. Justin and Vivi welcomed me back happily, sometimes i would sneak a look to the door to see if Carole would walk in. but i stopped myself, my heart hurting every time. Carole wouldn't call me but that didn't mean Adele or Sebastian wouldn't, they tried to pry the truth from me and i ignored them. 

i thought she was happy with out me, i thought she would forget of the pain if she had any, but i was wrong. On November 1st Carole's father came home with his fiance. school seemed a different place when she wasn't there, and that week she was gone. Adele  and Sebastian were really worried and called her every time they could. sometimes they would even ask me to do so and some times i was really tempted to pick up the phone and apologize for nothing.

Carole un-sent: i am sorry Dylan, i just can't go on... 

"Dylan, Carole left us today too?" the teacher asked handing me a paper.

i nodded and took it. a man ran in, he looked worried and scanned all the kids over.

"Sir, can i help you?" the teacher asked.

"Are you the AP World History teacher:?" the man asked


"Has Carole been here, i am her father. she has been missing for days now." he said worridly.

"I am sorry sir, but your daughter hasn't been in class all week."

Worry sparked in me, i looked up to see Sebastian with an equally worried look. i stood up.

"I may know where she is." i said.

"Please, you have to help me. do you know Adele, i have her helping me too." Carole's father begged.

the teacher excused me and Sebastian. we ran out of the school, Carole's father right behind us.

"I'll check the cliff and down town, you get the boulder." i ordered Sebastian.

he nodded and ran to Adele who appeared crying. he whispered something to her before they took off. i nodded to her father and ran off to the Poet's room, i searched it asking the kids there who all grew worried with the mention that she had disappeared. i saw a new note on the wall that seemed to stand out of all. 

"Each night i put my head down to my pillow, i try to tell myself to stay strong because i am living one more day with out you.  No amount of sleep could cure the tiredness i feel. Water can welcome me to it's embrace like it embraced you."

i ran out of the room, i knew where she was. rather i didn't want to know if she was really there. i called the police, my tears already streaming down my face. 

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator asked

"My friend, i think she has committed Suicide, please you have to help me." i replied through tears. 

i told her where i thought she was as i took a short cut through the woods to make it.  when i arrived at the water's side i stripped to my boxers and jumped in. i swam to the bottom wanting it not to be true. my lungs burned and i resurfaced as the cops pulled in. Adele and Sebastian called out to me and i crawled out crying. 

her father ran to us yelling out to the water. deep down we all knew that she was there, a few minutes later they pulled out a body from the water. her brown curly hair was plastered to her arms and face, her expression blank, her skin clammy and white.  her father fell to his knees and cried out calling her back. i stared at the wet body of the girl i had loved who had seen me when i though no one else could. 

i knelt to her side and shook from the cold, crying to myself i held her hand squeezing it to provide the lifeless girl warmth. 

School the next day was a pain, kids acted like they cared saying sorry to me. Adele hadn't come to school, i wouldn't make eye contact with Justin and Vivi. i held the CD close to my chest as i walked to the AP teacher and handed it to him. 

"Here is our project." i said softly. 

the teacher nodded and put it into his computer turning it on so that i could present to the class. i stood next to the TV looking at the floor. Adele had come and was welcomed into the class after i had said it was a surprise to her. 

"This is Carole's and my project." i said softly. 

the dubstep started and i looked to the screen. soon after the film started, and i saw Carole's smiling face. 

"Hello All i am Carole Luna your hostess with Dylan Cross as my Camera man!" she teased .

i smiled to myself and watched her. it seemed as if i was really seeing Carole, the happy one who loved life. i laughed, feeling the new set of tears coming, the film lasted thirty minutes and i supposed that the teacher let it play the entire time as a memory for her. kids were sniffling, Adele crying but smiling with Carole's jokes. 

"Dylan you must always remember to look at the World upside down, or else the world will turn you upside down. be strong, always, promise?" she asked. 

the movie stopped on her smiling face, her head was cocked to the side as if she was waiting for an answer. 

"I promise." 

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