Marriage days and Death moments

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i watched the rain fall outside, it was raining too hard to really film anything so i reviewed all of what we had so far. most of it was fun stuff, very few of it had to do with the project and i made two copies, one for class and one for us. i sat back and smiled to myself before there was a small knock at my door. 

"It's open." i called. 

My mom and dad slipped in grinning. i turned to face them, my mom sat down on my bed while my dad stood behind her. 

"Dylan, i see you like school a lot more than last year." My dad stated before he was ribbed by my mom. 

"What your father means to say is what are you working on?" my mother asked. 

"A school project, a couple of friends of mine are working on it. it's due the 23 of next month." i stated with a shrug. 

they nodded and smiled as i said the word Friends. i couldn't help smiling too, life just seemed to awesome right now, like nothing could go wrong. my father nodded and looked to my desk to see the list of questions i had. he walked over and picked it up, i watched him, waiting for an expression. first confussion, then humor, he flipped it over before handing it to my mom.

"Weird list of Questions." he stated.

"Yeah, Carole asked me them, or she said them and i can't figure out what they mean." i stated with a shrug. 

"Who's Carole?" my  mom asked wiggling her eyebrows and smiling. 

"Just a friend mom, she is the one helping me on the project." i said with the roll of my eyes. 

"Are you going to invite her over for dinner sometime, with your other friends?" she asked. 

i could tell my mom wanted to meet Adele and Carole, seeing my mom so happy it was hard for me to deny her so i ended up saying yes. i countered quickly saying that they usually had things going on after school but i would ask them. my phone buzzed and i picked it up seeing Adele's name. i gave an apologetic look to my parents before i turned. out of the corner of my eye i saw them nod and leave. i picked up the phone.

"Hey Adele, what's up?" i asked. 

"Dy-Dylan, it's Carole, i-i think she may be in a big problem." she said crying out.

i froze, worry taking over me. i thought of all the different problems; car accident, running accident, she fell off the bridge, etc. i could hear Adele was trying not to cry but was very terrible at hiding it.

"What happened?" i asked. 

"I-I don't know she won't pick up!" 

"Where is she?"

"I think at her house."

"Adele, call Sebastian tell him to go to Carole's i'll meet you guys over there." i said jumping up and pulling my shoes on. 

Adele sniffled an 'ok' before she hung up. i threw my hoodie over my shirt and ran down the stairs. my parents had turned on a movie and i quickly yelled i was going out. i took off running to the familiar roads that Led to Carole's. 

Carole: Life is like a War. you either win or you die trying.

Dylan: where are you?

Carole: at the end of life as we know it.

i froze in my tracks, what did she mean? i tried to text her again but she never answered back. 

Dylan: what?

Dylan: Carole answer me!


Dylan: what's wrong?

no matter what i texted i didn't hear from her again. i ran up to her house and banged on the door. a car pulled up and i recongnized Sebastian's red hair get out of the car. Adele was at his side, crying. she got us in and we ran to Carole's room, where we heard screaming and crashing. i pushed the door that seemed to have something blocking it. with all three of us and one great push we pushed the door open. the crimson room had turned into a deep blue color. Carole's things were all in the middle of the room a bookshelf lay on it's side. 

Carole caught our attention by throwing her laptop on the floor, it cracked into pieces that scattered everywhere.  Adele ran to her trying to calm her down but nothing seemed to be working until Adele screamed at her. 

"CAROLE, WHAT WOULD JORDAN SAY?!" Adele screamed. 

Carole froze and turned back to face us, tears welling up in her eyes before she collapsed. Adele rushed to her side hugging her as Carole cried on her. i stood shocked that the strong willed Carole was just a hoax that i was seeing the true broken Carole that no one but Adele knew. 

"Carole, what's wrong?" Adele whispered. 

"They're getting married, on her death day!" she sobbed. 

With Adele's help of translating for me and Sebastian we figured out that Carole's father was going to get married with his side hoe the same day they were meant to go to her mother's grave. Carole had not taken the news so well so she freaked and went on a rampage destroying her room.  

i sat next to Carole outside her room as Adele and Sebastian put it back into order, she had her head against the wall looking at the ceileing. i sighed and looked over to her, her eyes flickered to mine before going back to the roof. j

"you don't have to sit with me if you don't want to." she said. 

"It's okay, i want to." i replied with a shrug. 

when Adele and Sebastian finished they stepped out of the room with small flecks of undried blue paint on their clothes, hair and faces. 

"My mom wants to meet you guys, would you like to come over on sunday for dinner?" i asked. 

"You mean tomorrow" Sebastian teased. 

"yeah tomorrow." i said. 

"I would love to! and i am forcing you to go." Adele said kicking Carole's shoe. 

she groaned and rolled her eyes before nodding in defeat. Adele clapped her hands gleefully, before she went down the stairs to get us drinks. i looked to the wall to see a calendar, days marked off. August 18 was today's date and i realized that we were creeping closer to when our project was due. 

Carole followed my gaze and sighed nodding. 

"We probably need to finish the project soon. let's say buy November 10th." she said with a sigh. 

 i nodded, feeling a slight mix of sadness and relief. after a few minutes Adele told us we could leave and that she would be staying over to help Carole get her "shitty life together". Sebastian dropped me off and i quickly walked in to see my parents jump up at the sound of me walking in. mom set off in a series of questions but i was too tired to think right and ended up grunting for most of the answers. soon enough she caught on and i groggily told them that they had all excepted to come over for dinner tomorrow night. 

i didn't stay long enough to hear my mom's either complaining that i told her last moment or joy. the bed called to me in a way i cannot explain. i landed face first and fell asleep, dreaming of Carole and i sitting on a hill staring off into space. 

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