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Sebastian and I were excited for Saturday, by the time it rolled around i was afraid we had come early. we waited silently and after a minute i heard music, it was a heavy dup step beat, by the time it reached us two girls rode up in bikes. i was surprised for such a loud radio i thought that it would have been a car. she shut it off and pulled off her helmet. Carole's curls went flying and she grinned at as.

"Hey bitches, what's up." she said happily. 

Adele was gasping for air behind her and she waved hastily. Carole threw her bike against the bridge tossing the helmet at the side. 

"You guys ready?" she asked. 

Adele straitened and sets her bike down on top of Carole's. she smiled at us happily and she was in her normal pink attire. Carole started off down the road without waiting for us, half way down the road she yelled at us to catch up.

"Man you guys are slower than grannies crossing the street!" she exclaimed. 

she stopped suddenly and smiled wickedly, Adele started laughing. and chanting jumping up and down. 

"Quote of the day!" Adele exclaimed pulling off her small back pack and taking out a note pad and a pink pen. 

"Good friends are like stars. you don't always see them but you know they are always there." Carole replied. 

Adele scribbled it down and tore it out of the note pad. they started off down a path into a neighborhood. the houses were big in the southern style, we walked to one of the houses with the biggest lot and crossed into it. 

"Where are we going?" Sebastian asked. 

"My house, now hurry up!" 

we entered Carole's home, it was decorated nicely as if someone who cared lived there. we walked up the stairs and into the first room which i guessed was Carole's. the room was painted a deep crimson red, not a lot of things were around. a small bookshelf with buckets of paint on it, a bed with red sheets, a violin sat on the desk that was covered in papers. i walked up to one and pulled it out seeing the scribbled handwriting. 

she opened the closet and i saw the entire wall covered in sticky notes, and note paper. Adele pasted it on the wall in an empty spot and stepped back admiring her handy work. Carole quickly copied the quote down on another paper and looked up to us, serious written all over her face. 

"Bernie's?" she asked dangerously. 

"Bernie's." Adele answered. 

Sebastian and i were in the dark as we followed the girls into what looked like a tattoo shop. it was quite the opposite, a girl in her late twenties covered in tattoos played on her phone and looked up at us. she grinned showing off her tongue piercing. 

"Hey Carole, what are you up to?" she asked. 

"Just going into the group stuffs." she said walking past. 

the girl laughed and watched us pass by, we walked down through the cellar and into a room and startled me. all around were notes, words, pictures. some had bad handwriting others were elegant. Carole walked up and took the ladder posting the paper in an empty spot. Carole's closet notes were nothing to this. the room held a certain energy of so many emotions just by the way they were written. i could read dates that dated back ten, twenty years ago, i was impressed.  i walked up to one of the ones in a bright yellow paper and read it. the letters were delicate so i assumed it to be female. 

"the people who are quick to walk away are the ones that never intended to stay."

i looked to Sebastian who was looking at another, he touched it gently. 

"You aren't really meant to touch any of them, the glue is terrible so they might fall off." Adele whispered next to him. 

he nodded and pulled his hand back, i assumed that i wasn't the only one that felt it. i looked back to Carole who was looking at one, a sad expression on her face. i walked over to her and read the one she was staring at. 

"sticks and stones may break my bones but words will rip my skin apart." -Jordan

i looked over to her, wanting to know who Jordan was. she shook her head and walked away, Adele and Sebastian waited for us. 

"What is this?" i asked. 

"This is the Poet's room, kids from all years from high schools come and write their problems. we are the misfit toys, that don't feel like we fit in. this is were we can be and say what we want without judging anyone else." Carole said standing next to me. 

i watched her, she turned and arched a brow at me. waiting for me to ask. i didn't i couldn't bring myself to ask and for a moment i could see a flash of relief. we walked out of the shop leaving Nessie who wast the girl at the counter. we walked down, i hadn't known that the powerful Carole had a soft side, i supposed that we all had our weaknesses but this didn't seem to be a weakness more like a strength. 

we spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the older part of town. by noon we stopped at an ice cream place and got some, everyone seemed to know Carole and Adele. they were all laughing at Carole's attitude. 

by the time we finished the sun was setting. we sat on a hill and watched the sun set, the afternoon sky was touched by a dark blue. stars started to peek out, Sebastian and Adele sat in front of us. her head on his shoulder, her blonde hair mixing with his red.  i looked over at Carole who watched her friend with a smile. 

"How do you really know so you can really feel?" i asked her quietly. 

"I can tell you it is hard work." she said lying back. 

"how hard?" i asked lying next to her and looking at her. 

"I could teach you, but i don't think you are up for it." she said a grin on her face. 

her eyes flashed with a challenging tone that made me want to follow her. i sent her a glare, did she think i couldn't do it?

"I am up for it, what are your rules?" i asked angrily. 

"Rule 1. find a sidekick. rule 2. get your sidekick along with you for the ride cause it is going to be bumpy. rule 3. no making fun of the rules. rule 4...." she said pausing. 

"Rule 4?"

"You can't fall in love with me." she said happily. 

i looked at her confussed, i didn't like her like that! we had just barely met, why was she saying these things to me?! i thought of all the feelings i had when she looked at me, these fleeting feelings i must have gotten because she was the first girl that noticed me. 

"Fine i accept, when do we start?" i asked. 

"I know who my sidekick is, you gotta find yours but for now we will begin. Tell me one thing you hate." she said. 

"I hate? hmm, i guess i hate most of the popular kids." i said.

"But Sebastian is popular, and some of them aren't so bad. you don't know their side stories, what if they have been raped in the past or abused." she whispered. 

i stopped thinking for a moment about what else to say, i gazed up at the stars, searching for my answer.

"I guess i also hate how i am terrible at Math." i replied. 

"Alright, let's go with that. what do you hate about it?"

"I just don't understand it!" i replied. 

"What are you really good at in math?" she asked. 

"Fractions i suppose."

"See, i have this theory; i believe we all love everything but we just hate it when we get discouraged when we feel we can't do it." she said pretending to touch the sky. 

i looked up at the stars in the sky, the twinkled down on us telling us that tonight was the beginning of a new adventure. i watched them and smiled to myself, i had never felt more at home but i suppose not all things last. 

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