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when Monday came around i was not ready to give up the weekend. play practices became frequent, and so did Carole. most of the kids like Justin wouldn't speak to her. Vivi came up to me a lot stealing me away from the mind boggling questions Carole was throwing at me. Adele practiced the piano and sang her parts while Sebastian flipped the pages for her. Carole hummed and often walked off set and wandered around the room. once they found her the orchestra room two halls away. 

I walked with Sebastian and Adele on our way out. Carole had disappeared and i quickly learned that she did this often. Adele didn't end up living too far away from the school only that her house was in the opposite direction of ours. we left her half way and walked back to the school. as we neared the old bridge i saw Carole standing on the edge walking, Sebastian and i walked up to her, she seemed to already know we were behind her. 

"You weren't at practice." i said. 

"Nah, had work to do. i  am a very busy person Pretzel boy." she replied grinning. 

"i can see, aren't you afraid you will fall off?" i asked. 

"Nah, i like to live dangerously that way if i do fall it isn't anyone's fault but mine." she said walking with us. 

she balanced herself out and hopped off at the very end, she put her hands in her green jacket and shrugged. she was the one leading us now, she stopped abruptly and spun to look at us. she scrunched up her nose but soon shook her head. 

"What?" i asked.

"Ready for lesson two?" she asked.

"Right now?"

"Right now."

she started off in a series of questions, i laughed as they got cheesier. she stopped with a grin and walked off, down another road. Sebastian and I stopped watching her walk off for some way before i called out to her. 

"Where are you going?" i asked.  

"i'm going running." she said turning and grinning. 

with that she was gone, swaggering down the road like she owned the world. she turned another corner and i continued on my way home. Sebastian followed me, we split ways and i walked in. i scribbled down the new questions seeing that my list had grown, some had answers scribbled below and i felt good with myself. 

i couldn't sleep after, thoughts and memories of today replaying in my head. i sat up and walked to my window looking out. Carole sprinted by, i watched her shocked that she had found me, but she hadn't she hadn't even noticed me. in my gut i had a small wince of sadness. with a sigh i turned back to my bedroom and decided to pull up some quotes on my laptop, i copied them down on a paper and tore it out of my note book. 

i didn't know i had fallen asleep till my alarm clock rang. my head snapped up and i looked around the room, i rubbed the tiredness from my eyes. mom was already cooking, i could smell it. i went through my daily routine of getting ready and going to school with Seb at my side. as soon as i walked in i knew something was off. 

a crowd had gathered in the middle of the hall, teachers and people surrounded two girls. Seb and i pushed our ways into a place we could see, Carole and some popular girl were circling each other like wolves. Carole had a smirk on her face that gave everyone the false appearance that she didn't care but her eyes held a venom. the girl looked like she was about to either rip her apart or to faint. 

"Loony Luna!" she girl snapped. 

"Heard it before!" Carole teased. 


"use more vocabulary, honestly are you so dumb that you can only go to the swear words. there are other words like Dull, dumb, half-baked, the list goes on!" Carole taunted. 

the bitch screeched before attacking, trying to scratch like a cat with fake nails that would be painful. Carole sidestepped and the girl crashed into the people. kids pushed her up and back into the ring. Carole stuck her tongue out and laughed wickedly sending a chill up my spine. the girl was fuming and lunged again, Carole let the girl come closer before she punched. the girl went flying back, i yelled in happiness chanting her name with the other supporting her. 

unjustly her friends jumped into the group and took Carole down. it turned into a furry of screams and girl's falling with underwear. a bunch of guys groaned at the same time, seeing the thongs of the popular girls with the fake asses. Carole pulled through the crowd and gave out a victory yell, the other girls crawled away hastily.

"It is your fault Jordan is dead, you fucking bitch!" a girl yelled, the one who had started it all. 

all sense of a joke fell, Carole froze in place at the name. she looked like she was about to cut the girl's throat out. her snarky smile fell and she took a step forward growling, the girls could sense that this was the end and scooted away into the crowd. i jumped in and pulled her back away screaming. 

Adele was in the fight now and punched the girl hard in the nose, there was a sickening crack as the girl's nose broke. Sebastian grabbed her around the waist and pulled her away. i finally let go of Carole when we were outside. she didn't look at me and had her hand to her mouth i could hear her sniffling. Adele saw her and ran, trying to comfort her but it didn't seem to work. Carole started at Adele for a moment before walking off. it started to rain as if matching her mood, and she walked down the street. i started after her but Adele stopped me. 

"No, let her go, she needs to calm down." she whispered whipping her tears away. 


"Please, she needs to be alone."

my eyes followed the girl who had moved me. the bell rang and we went to class, i suppose that the teachers covered for their perfect student because many of the teacher witnesses claimed that Adele didn't do anything. i stopped looking out the window to see Carole sitting alone on the curb. making an excuse i ran out to find that she had moved to the watch tower. i ran up the stairs calling her name stopping as i saw her standing on the rail. 

she looked at me, but there was no smile. she turned back to look off the edge of the tower, i stood next to her to see a  hill with a rock and further away a lake. 

"you wanna get out of here?" she asked quietly. 

i nodded and we walked off to the giant rock on the hill. we sat on it, as the rain was replaced by clouds. 

"Next step, find what makes you sad and embrace it." she said breaking the silence. 


"We all need a sadness that we go crazy over, instead of having all these little problems make it one big one you can blame the entire world on. One day i am going to change this world, maybe not tomorrow but when i do it will be hella awesome." she said more to herself. 

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