Don't kiss me if your afraid of Thunder. My life is a storm.

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the next day Adele and Carole showed up looking more elegant than usual. though, Carole had insisted in wearing shorts and sandles with a blouse rather than a dress like Adele. Sebastian was here early and helped set up the table and stuff, my mom was buzzing from happiness and my dad was making a mental list of questions that related to Star Trek, Star Wars, or some superhero. 

i led them into the living room where my mom came rushing in to greet them. 

"Hello you must be Adele and Carole? i am Jaime Cross." my mom said happily shaking their hands. 

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Cross." Carole said politely. 

"Call me Jaime, sorry of my husband, he is just out of it, his name is David. anyways the food is ready come eat!" she said happily leading the girls to the table. 

i sat next to Carole while Sebastian rushed to get a seat next to Adele. i ate in silence as my parents asked Adele and Carole questions. i listened and was surprised when Carole knew all the answers to my father's "Trick" questions. by the end of the dinner they were in this deep theory of why Bucky was considered Russian instead of American. i didn't pay attention to anything they were saying only Carole's actions. 

they left around night time, Carole was still laughing and arguing with my father. when they disappeared into Carole's beat up car, my mom closed the door and turned to me grinning. i rolled my eyes already expecting what the topic was going to be about 

"Well, Carole and Adele are really nice girls..."

"Yes, if you ever date one of them make it Carole, she has this certain air of her." my father added;. 

"Certain air? ha, you two were just geeking out." my mom snapped but flashed me a smile. 

my father grinned and nodded before walking out of the room. my mom followed behind telling him of all the conversations Adele was having with her. i stood facing the door, Carole was fun to be around. she made me feel exceptional, alive. i sighed shaking my head and walked back into the room, mom and dad were putting away and washing plates and dishes so i snuck back into my room. 

by the time school started up again, the project was almost done. Carole, Adele, Sebastian and i had combined group with the permission of the teacher and were working harder than ever. Carole seemed out of it most days, and i guessed it was because she didn't like doing the same thing over and over again. i stuck with it and filmed them all and i became the camera man, chasing them and getting them at their most natural times.  

most of the time they later started laughing seeing that i got them at these moments but after that they seemed fine with it. frequently the teacher changed the due date from the end of September to the end of November and as November neared the video became more and more finished. 

Carole threw a paper ball at my face in hopes of distracting me. i caught it and tossed it in the direction of the trash can. 

"I am Board!!!" she moaned leaning back in her chair. 

"Hi Board i am Dylan." i teased. '

"Dylan, i could cut balls off right now and blue them for your new eyes!" she said with a groan. 

i laughed and went on editing the videos . she sighed and sighed again trying to get my attention away from the computer. i sent her a glare and she grinned at me seeing her task had been fulfilled.

"Yo wanna go swimming?" she asked sitting up. 

my frown turned into a smile. she grinned and jumped to her feet dragging me out of my room. Adele and Sebastian jumped when we came crashing down the stairs. Carole didn't answer any questions and led them straight to the peak we had jumped off before. Adele was very hesitant to jumping but after a push from Carole she loved it. i only assumed that she had felt the same feelings as me. Sebastian didn't hesitate and it took a lot of will power not to keep him from jumping off. 

"This is nice, i wish we could just freeze time here right now." Carole said drifting to me. 

"Yeah, it is a nice day."

"Not just that, i am around my friends. it's nice." 


"I really hate this world, it is so stupid and dark and hates everything good. i hate it so much, i feel so alone sometimes." she whispered. 

i looked at her and stopped. she looked at me and sighed before sinking deeper in the water, her hair fanning out around her. i swam to her side.

"you're not alone." i whispered to her. 

she studied me, her eyes snapped to Adele and Sebastian who were laughing and splashing each other. her eyes found mine again but this time she held my gaze, i found myself even closer to her, my heart pounding loudly. she stood up to meet my gaze, her eyes searching for something. and before i knew what i was doing i was kissing her. 

at first she didn't kiss me and i started to pull away, she pulled me back and put her arms around my neck. i sighed against her lips, scarred as hell of what was coming. we pulled away at the same time still breathing hard of the kiss that seemed to suck away all our air. 

her eyes were wide and i could feel my face coloring. she took a few steps back, looking to the water before turning and running out of the water. i was shocked and a mix of anger and shock. had she not kissed me back? she clearly liked me more than just friends if that was true, i chased after her. she was crying as she picked up her shoes. 


"Don't you've done enough!"

"Last i checked you kissed me back!" i snapped my anger getting the best of me. 

"I am sorry, i can't do this. you promised!" she screeched. 

i froze remembering what she had made me promise for. i couldn't believe it, i stared at her shocked before anger hardened my face. i grabbed my things and stormed past her, she was crying harder and i fought against myself to not go to comfort her. 

i went home slamming the door of my room, i yelled in anger and sat on my bed. i new i messed up, i could have well just slapped her. i ran my fingers through my hair tugging at it and repeating the phrase 'Stupid'. i knew i wanted it to go away, wish i didn't do it, but yet i was glad i did. now she knew what i really thought of her. 

i felt the tears before i yelled in rage. she wasn't meant to tear my heart out. 

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