Music of the Night

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by the end of the second week Sebastian had become like a stranger to me. the times i did see him he looked like he wanted to leave his group. i would often wave and he would grin again, all types of girls flocked him. batting their fake eyelashes and getting into their drama, i walked by shaking my head. 

"If it isn't Loony Luna." one of them teased.

"The one and only!" Carole said walking behind me, acting like she owned the school. 

the girls sneered and turned back to Sebastian and to themselves. i smirked and stopped waiting for her to catch up. she walked past me, hands in her pockets, as if she hadn't seen me. part of my soul broke, she was just like other girls all Bitches, she stopped and looked back grinning. i froze, she nodded for me to follow before she kept walking. hesitantly i followed behind her and she led me down into the lunch room and passed my new group of friends. they instantly called out to me to come sit with them. 

I nodded saying i would and turned back to find Carole but she had disappeared. Vivi called me out again and i gave in, walking and sitting next to her. they spoke of the school play they were going to be acting; saying they needed a new Phantom since the other got terribly sick. 

"Couldn't you just wait till he got better?" i asked.

"Dyl, how is your singing voice?" Justin asked tilting his head to the side. 

i almost chocked, no way hell were they going to make me sing in front of all those people. Vivi and the rest started laughing at my shocked face. Justin still waited for my answer and i whipped my mouth, coming up with an answer to side step it. 

"I-" thankfully i was interrupted. 

"Hey guys!" a girl with long blond hair said sitting on the ground. 

she was petite and a little chubby but it seemed to suit her just fine. she was pretty, with vibrant blue eyes, she brushed the side bangs out of her eyes. she grinned and waved at me, i smiled and nodded running my hand through my dark brown hair. 

"Dove, what are you doing here. arn't you with Carole?" Justin asked.

"She is out today, you know her, always disappearing. Anyways, i heard you were talking about the play." she said cheerfully.

"Yes, shut tempting Dylan here to play the Phantom." Justin said annoyed, shooting me a glare. 

"Oh!? that is so cool, you should totally try out! i play Christine's best friend Meg." she replied.

"Cool, i guess i could try out." i said quietly.

"YES, you should. the asshole who plays the phantom is finally gone, now you can steal the show!" Justin said.

i sent him a glare. 

"Don't worry dude, it isn't as bad as you think." Drake, i think his name was, said. 

so just like that i was cast as the Phantom from the Phantom of the Opera. Dove, who's real name was Adele, helped me memorize my lines. i didn't want to talk about Carole, not wanting Adele to think i was into her or anything. 

"WHERE IS CHRISTINE?!" the drama teacher shrieked. 

i rolled my eyes, this was the third time the teacher had yelled at us for the girl who played Christine not being there. Adele sent me a silent glare and i was taken back. she usually never got mad, what did i do? i approached her, and she looked away, glaring at the teacher. 

"She doesn't know anything." Adele grumbled. 

"Who is Christine?" i asked. 

"Carole, she was really excited to get the part, but Vivi ruined it for her." she said giving off a sad sigh.

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