Kill Me

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Matt was ecstatic. His presidential candidate, Donald J Trump, had won the election and was going to become the next president of the USA!

The curly haired conspiracy theorist was alone in his apartment, watching the news and practically cheering as the results were announced the morning after election day. He knew that this country was broken, and the only man who could fix it all while protecting constitutional rights was Trump.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at his front door. He fixed his hair a little with his hands, then ran to answer it.

A tall, white man in a federal suit was standing outside. "Matthew Busek?"

"Yes?" Matt's giddy smile had faded. Oh god, was he in trouble?

"Donald J Trump has requested to see you as soon as possible."

Matt's jaw dropped. "Me? What does he want with me?"

"You'll see. Please, come with me." The man stepped aside to allow Matt to exit his apartment.

Matt followed the mysterious agent down the halls to the elevator, then to the street outside the entrance to the building, where a sleek limousine was waiting. The man opened the back door to the limo, gesturing to Matt to enter, which he did so nervously. The agent entered after Matt, then closed the door right before the limo sped off.

"So, what's going on?" Matt asked nervously. "Why does he need me?"

"We'll be at his penthouse in ten minutes, you can ask him then." The agent replied stiffly.

Matt shrugged, then leaned back and tried to relax. He would have pulled out his phone, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the agent wouldn't approve of him possibly tweeting about what was going on.


Soon enough, the limo pulled to a stop. Matt looked outside to see a huge apartment complex, with so much gold and silver on the outside that the whole building looked like it'd been dipped in the precious metals.

The agent got out first, then, once again, held the door for Matt and gestured for him to follow.

Matt followed nervously, his heart pounding so hard that he couldn't hear the tranquil music in the exquisite lobby. What did Trump want? Matt had absolutely no clue why the president wanted to see him. After all, he was just a drummer.

Matt and the agent rode the elevator up to the top floor of the fancy building, then the doors opened to expose a small entryway.

"Go through the door at the end of the hall. Trump is eager to see you."

Matt turned to the agent in shock. "You're not coming with me?"

"Trump needs to see you alone."

The drummer took a deep breath, then anxiously made his way to the designated door. God, it felt like he was about to have a heart attack. He opened the door, then stared in shock and confusion.

It was a bedroom. The whole room looked royal enough to belong to a king, rather than a president. And Donald J Trump was laying in the middle of the bed, eagerly watching Matthew.

Trump wasn't wearing anything except a pair of scarlet panties that read "Make America Great Again".

Matt trembled, then nervously took a step forward. Weird or not, this was the president. He couldn't be disrespectful.

"H-hello, Mr. Trump..." He said nervously, like a frightened child.

"Please, Matty, call me Donald." The orange man swung his legs over the edge of the bed, stood up, then walked over to Matthew and offered out his hand for Matt to shake.

Matt did so. "Uh... w-why did you want me?"

Donald smiled gently, then grabbed the door and closed it behind Matthew. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Uh, y-yeah... I've always been a big supporter of you..."

"I've heard that your bandmates call you gay. Is it true?" Donald asked curiously, looking unamused.

Shit. "Uh... n-no sir..." Matt, of course, was lying through his teeth.

"Come on, Matty, we're all friends here. Tell me the truth."

"Uh... m-maybe..." Matt admitted, looking down in shame.

Trump did something absolutely unbelievable. He chuckled.

"Good." He said , smirking excitedly. "Are you ready?"

"R-ready for what?" Matt asked, biting his lip a little.

"For me to fuck you."

"Uh... uh..." God, he didn't know how to answer. Was this really happening? Donald J Trump was asking Matt to have sex with him?

Still... there was no denying it. Donald was oddly sexy. And Matt was beginning to get turned on just by the idea of being fucked. He glanced down at Donald's crotch, then had to restrain himself from gasping at his size. He had to be at least ten inches!

"Just say yes, Matty." Donald moved closer, grinding his crotch against Matt.

"Uh... y-y-yes...." Matt said, turning deep red.

"Good boy. Now, strip and get on the bed."

Matt did as he was told, taking off his clothes shakily before crawling onto the golden silk sheets.

"Ass in the air, Matty." Donald commanded as he crawled behind Matt.

Matt did as he was told, getting on his knees and sticking his ass up while still keeping his face buried in the pillows.

Donald took off his panties, then gently started to enter Matt's backside. The curly haired man moaned quietly, his whole body shaking from pleasure. Donald started to thrust slowly, Matt moaning and clawing at the sheets with every movement.

"D-Donald... faster, please...." Matt begged pathetically.

Donald started going faster in response, until he was pounding into Matt. Matt screamed in pleasure, gripping the sheets as tight as he could as his eyes rolled back and his toes curled.

The president kept it up for a minute, then suddenly flipped Matt over. "I want to see your face as I make you come." He growled seductively, then kept pounding into Matt's poor virgin asshole. Matt tried his best, but completely failed at keeping his expressions under control, cringing internally at the knowledge that he looked like a complete slut as Donald fucked him hard.

Donald finished first, cumming inside of Matt. Matt's eye's rolled back in pleasure as he felt himself being filled up with Donald's massive load, and came from just the sensation.

The president pulled out, then panted. "You're such a good little whore, Matty." He purred. "So eager for my cock."

Matt only gasped in response, too busy riding the afterwave of his orgasm to respond.

Donald got off the bed while Matt was still laying there, then started getting dressed. "There's a bathroom down the hall, closest to the elevator. Feel free to clean yourself up, and take a shower." He said, in a way that sounded more like a command than a suggestion.

Matt sat up shakily to look at Donald. "W-was that all you wanted? Sex?"

"Yes. I expect that you'll be here again, same time next week?" Donald said softly. "You're the best whore I've ever had."

Matt stared in shock, turning deep red. Sex with the president, every week?!

"Uh..... y-yes, sir. I'd be honored."

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