destroy my body and soul

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Jimmy Yuma was wandering around Vermont after a Deuce concert. He took a drag off his cigarette, glancing around the neighborhood.

Suddenly, and old but kindly voice sounded behind Yuma.

"Uh, excuse me, young man!"

Yuma turned to see, of all people, Bernie Sanders. Holy fuck, Yuma worshipped the man!

"I, uh, want to propose an offer to you." Bernie said gently.

"Uh, sure, sir, what is it?"

"I have a king sized bed in my house and, uh, no one to share it with. Will you stay with me tonight?"

Yuma's jaw dropped. Yes, the bald 70-ish year old man was drop dead sexy, but was he really interested in Yuma!?

"Uh, sure, sir!" Yuma said, a huge smile playing across his lips.

Bernie smiled, then pulled out a notepad and wrote down an address, handing it to Yuma.

"Meet me in a, uh, hour."


Yuma arrived at Bernie's doorstep, grinning like an idiot. Sex with his celebrity crush! He couldn't wait!"

The door swung open before Yuma could knock, revealing the senator in a sparkly blue bra and a pair of blue panties that read 'Feel The Bern".

"Uh, come in, come in, come in." Bernie let Yuma inside, then took him to his bedroom. Yuma felt like he could pass out from excitement.

"Uh, go ahead and get ready and on the bed. Do you, uh, mind if I top?"

"G-go ahead, sir....." Yuma said as he pulled off his clothes and got into position on the bed, ass up and face buried in pillows.

Bernie pulled off his panties, then got behind Yuma. He slowly pushed in, making Yuma moan loudly in pleasure.

The older man had a surprising amount of power to him, beginning to fuck Yuma hard and fast.

"Y-you're a-a-amazing....." Yuma panted.

"H-Healthcare in Vermont.... is b-better than rest of the US o-of A...." Bernie moaned out in response.

The older man came a few minutes later, Yuma quickly following suit.

Bernie immediately got up after coming, walked to his dresser, pulled something out, then came back and stuck a sticker to Yuma's left buttcheek.

An 'I Voted' sticker.

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