end my suffering for the betterment of mankind

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Danny Murillo was walking along the street after midnight, minding his own business, when he suddenly heard screams from a few blocks away. Wanting to play the hero, he ran as fast as he could, right towards the scorce. Then he tripped. Danny tumbled across the concrete, then looked back to see what had tripped him. A human body. Danny screamed, forcing his way to his feet, and was about to run when a hand caught his arm from behind. Danny whipped around, trying to see his attacker.

Ted Cruz.

The odd looking but sexy man was covered head to toe in blood, and wielding a knife. Danny fought to get away, but Cruz just shoved Danny to the ground then tackled him to pin him.

"Hey, cutie~!" The senator purred.

Danny tried to escape, but it was useless. Cruz had him trapped.

"Don't be like that baby, I'm not going to hurt you."

Danny stared up in shock. "W-what?" He asked in disbelief.

Cruz offered his trademark smile. "Just do one thing for me, and I'll let you go."

"W-what do y-you want with me?" Danny asked fearfully.

Cruz leaned in to whisper in Danny's ear. "Have sex with me."

Sex!? With a murderer!? Danny shuddered. True, the man was sexy, but fucking serial killers is wrong!

But if it was the only way to escape....

"Uh.... o-o-okay, sir. I'll do it."

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