murder me slow

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Johnny was bored after a concert in Massechutches wandering around aimlessly. He eventually ended up in front of a splendid mansion, with no idea how he got there. Sighing, he pulled out his phone and tried to use the GPS to find his way back.

Shit. No bars. Johnny groaned in annoyance, then glanced back to the mansion. Maybe they'd let him use their phone?

The tall man made his way through the open gates and up to the grand entrance. He took a deep breath, then knocked. He could hear someone run down the stairs, then the door was yanked open by a bizarre sight.

Mitt Romney in a leather collar, cat ears, and a pair of scarlet red panties with a Republican elephant on them.

"Good, good! You must be the prostitute!" Romney grabbed Johnny's hand and yanked him inside. Before Johnny could react, the governor had him in his bedroom.

"Now, strip and get on the bed." Mitt said eagerly.

Uh, this was weird. Johnny knew that he should be running away at top speed, but instead he did as Romney told him too, unclothing himself and jumping onto the bed.

Romney jumped into action, grabbing a shackle attached to each of the top bed poles and latching them around Johnny's wrist, quick as a whip.

"Now, get ready." Mitt said as he ran to go look through the closet.

Ready for what? Johnny's question was quickly answered when Mitt pulled out a 9 tailed whip.

Oh, fuck.

Johnny started to open his mouth to speak, but Mitt pounced on him and tied a ball gag around his face. "Shh, shh, don't want to wake the wife."

Mitt raised the whip, then brought it down across Johnny's bare chest. Johnny screamed into the gag from the pain.

It didn't stop there. Mitt whipped him again and again, until Johnny's whole torso was covered in raw, bleeding gashes.

"You ready for round two?" Mitt asked, taking off his panties.

Johnny desperately shook his head no, to no avail. The governor entered Johnny's poor virgin ass, and it was all that Johnny could do to keep from tearing up.

The sex was short. Mitt came quickly into Johnny, and Johnny came soon after against his will.

Mitt untied and ungagged Johnny, then threw several stacks of 100s at him.

"You're such a great slut. I'll have to request you again next time."

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