2 | Unstable

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Tsukishima remains absorbed in the book he'd been reading for an hour as his best friend sat restless beside him. Yamaguchi wants to get angry at his best friend for being so insenistive. He wants for him to recognize the blame he wants to drown him in but try as he may, hating Tsukki seems impossible.

Kei caught a glance and noticed he'd been spacing out. He wanted to know what he's thinking but he doesnt see the point in asking when he knows that the boy's freckle-filled face would conjure up a smile and shake it off saying it's nothing.

"Tsukki" Yamaguchi called, the hollowness in his voice piqued the other's curiosity.

Putting his book down, he fixated his gaze on his direction attempting to read his mind. "Hm?"

Yamaguchi slouched further into his seat and looked up the ceiling, it might be the first time he talked to Tsukki without looking at him and somehow it made the blonde haired boy uncomfortable.

"Do you like anyone?" he dragged out those words as if they weigh hundred tons.

Tsukki was taken aback with the strange question and moreover the way he asked it. "Why?" he asks, turning fully on his seat to face Yamaguchi.

"If you do, just freaking date that person already. I'm tired of giving favors to your admirers." he says closing his eyes as if he's going to sleep. Could he be tired of his stoic attitude? All these years of sticking with him like some lone pup trying to take his place beside an alpha, it's as pathetic as it goes.

"You're weird." he commented plainly.

"Yes, I am" Yamaguchi agreed standing up to leave his room. Tsukki might have been waiting for his friend to tell where he's heading but his exit had been quiet. His actions seems strange and new that it almost felt like a threat to him. This time there were no smiles, no apologies and no badgering him for attention.

Kei fears this side of Yamaguchi, the side he doesn't know. 

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