6 | Moon

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The brightness of the sun will give me just enough

To bury my love in the moon dust

I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice

To bury my love in the moon dust

It must be wrong to loathe, to mope around and start the countdown to self destruction because nothing would change. Yamaguchi knows all these but common sense seem to have left him while he lay there on his bed surrounded by depressing music he stole from Kei's phone three months ago.

I've buried my love in the moon dust.

The song slowly ended with a line he instilled in his brain. Everything is fixed and filed, all that remained is waiting for the next day. He wanted to cry , scream or punch something but there's no more energy left enough to do it. "It's a sin right?" he talked to the same ceiling he'd been waking up to for six years now. 

"Loving your best friend more than friends should, what a shitty sin." he closed his eyes as the world continued to be quietly unforgiving.

"What? Why!" Hinata whined out loud like a spoiled kid. Regret and sadness crossed Daichi's face as he stared at the first year unable to explain the whole thing apart from what Takeda-sensei told him.

"So noisy this time in the morning." Kei walked into the club room expecting to find everyone there, including Yamaguchi. He scanned the room and his heart dropped.

"Hey Tsukishima!" the loud orange haired boy broke his reverie. "Why did Yamaguchi leave?" he asked with innocent curiosity and sadness in his eyes seeming like he's going to cry.

A soft thud of his bag dropping to the floor silenced the room, everyone seemed to be surprised by his reaction.

"You didn't know?" Sugawara says with enough gentleness in an attempt to calm the atmosphere. All sounds seemed to be drowned out by his thoughts monopolized by Yamaguchi. He looked at the third year setter questioningly. "According to Takeda-sensei, he filed all transfer papers this morning and they were all approved.He's transferring to Kyoto." he looked down unable to look at the boy's eyes while he explained it.

He knew something was wrong but he doesn't know what. 

He knew someone made a mistake, he doesn't know who. 

All he knew was his legs were moving as fast as it can to his best friend's apartment willing him to answer the door with a smile that he only gave to him.  He was able to let go of all the things he held onto before but this seems like the moon giving up the night. If he lets this go, he would loose something he can never replace.

Kei was catching his breath, fazed by the fact that ran that far without even realizing it until his lungs screamed for mercy.

"Tsukki..." it was in a middle of a question and statement. Locking his door, bags and the things he needs for the move were all set in the hall.

"Yamaguchi!" anger consumed him, the source unknown but seeing him ready to leave felt likr betrayal. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry Tsukki." Kei was tired of hearing that. "Sorry..."tears flowed on his cheeks leaving Kei paralyzed.

He sounded so sad, as if every word tortured him from the inside.

"Tsukki... Sorry Tsukki."

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