9 | Drown

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Yamaguchi expected a lot of things. He expected Kei to push him away, to yell at him, to be disgusted and angry but none of those seem to be happening. Instead his arms tightened around the boy and somehow he knew what that meant.

"Ah" Kei looked up at he clear blue sky. "You're really troublesome, idiot." His tears dried up and he didn't want to let go of Yamaguchi, but he had to.

Everytime they look at each other in the eyes, all they wanted to say seemed to be understood by each other without using words.

After the wedding, he stayed over at Kei's house telling his mother that he'll be lonely in the hotel. Sleeping was out of the question as adrenaline of being together, as well as ending their longing for one another filled their hearts and dominated thoughts.

Kei sat on the floor across Yamaguchi. "You should've just told me."he accused.

"I was scared." Yamaguchi confessed.

The blonde chuckled without humor. "You always are." He hugged his knees, eyes never leaving his. "It was tough, when you left. I always knew I'm feeling more than what I should but I wasn't willing to notice that." The lights were off and the room was lit by the moonlight from the opened windows bringing in the cool breeze.

Yamaguchi laid his hands on Kei's arms as the boy looked up at him. Slowly, with all courage it took, he close the gap between them. His heart beat was like having hundred rounds of running around the gym, a endless diving drills, twenty service aces.

It just felt so incredible that everything else seemed possible. It was a real kiss indeed, slow and sure until they break away for conclusions.

Kei always thought Yamaguchi's eyes were like the ocean that reflects a blanket of stars on his face and he missed them more than he knew. He gets lost in them everytime but he knew this time there's no getting out.

He held Yamaguchi to him as Kei put on his headphones over his best friend's ears.

No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes

I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

They were lost in each other every passing day. College came, graduation and then everything else in laid for the future but they stayed the same for each other. It was a challenge to admit their relationship to others but it was more difficult to admit it to themselves, at first.

It wasn't simple, it was a painful gut wrenching journey which requires a strong heart and determined mind. In their apartment in the city of Kyoto, the stars shone brightly above almost every night and they watch it together   for those times they get a chance.

"There are no stars tonight, it might rain." Yamaguchi whined throwing his tie on the couch while surveying the sky through the glass door of the balcony. Kei took him the hand and led him outside.


"Shut it, I'm watching the stars" Kei says staring at his lover's confused face.

"Why are you looking at me?" he asks feeling heat creep onto cheek. After all this time, Kei never cease to fire up  his nerves everytime he attempts romance.

Kei's palm was warm as it touched his cheek. "There's so many stars, so beautiful."he looks straight into his eyes and got lost in them.

There's no getting out.

He decided then and there that he will never want to.

He'll drown forever and never come up for breath.

As long as Yamaguchi's with him, he'll make those stars in his eyes shine brighter everyday.

------------------------ END --------------------------

This is a lot of fluff hahaha. Thank you tons for reading up to here, as promised the songlist is the next page as well as some other songs I got inspired with. Thank you guysss!

Let continue to drown in all of these glorious ships of my volleyball children 💕🙋😄

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