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"Hey slow down" Enoshita warned Hinata who'd been attempting to eat his fries, burger and drink his milkshake all at the same time.

"Is there something wrong?" Kageyama asked Yamaguchi curiously. He was spacing out a lot since they got in the fast food. The fries he ordered sat there untouched as well as the vanilla shake he'd been fakely sipping all the while. Appetite seems nowhere near him lately and he knows the exact reason why.

Yamaguchi was successful in his first attempt to avoid Kei and he honestly thinks the guy wouldn't even feel his absence.

"Nothing, why?" he replied to Enoshita's worried eyes.

"Tsukkishima's not here and it just feels new to see you not with him for once." he scratched his head laughing.

That's the problem. "Yeah" Yamaguchi smiled bitterly. His friends had a feel that something's wrong but they don't want to intrude.

An empty apartment, deafening silence, still air,  things that Yamaguchi comes home to everyday. His mother and father separated six years ago and he went to live with his mother but since she's adesigner for a big company, they barely see each other.

It seemed more lonely than usual, now that he's trying to cut off one more thing from his life. He gave up his mother, his father too, this time it's Kei. His thick comforter embraced his body but the cold settled inside his chest.

I can just stay here right? Be truly alone. Real alone.

Daichi surveyed his teammates discovering that one is absent.

"Oi, Tsukishima!" the captain called. Kei took a break from practice blocking Hinata and ran to Daichi.

"Where's Yamaguchi?" Daichi handed him a towel.

He shrugged. "I don't know. He's also not in class." He wanted to bury his face in the towel and wonder what could have happened to his friend but he knows his worries are unwarranted.

"I'll try to contact him later." Sugawara says putting his hand in the captain's shoulder while giving him a warm smile. Kei remembered how Yamaguchi does that for him, smiling widely like a fool trying to comfort someone who doesn't show weariness.

"No need, I'll drop by to his house later." he says to his seniors before going back to Hinata and the other spikers.

He kept on blocking until his arms felt raw and were red from the violent contact with the ball. That ball was meant to be shut off like anything else in his life. The goal is stop it from entering his space, and that's all he'd been trying to do all the while but Yamaguchi somehow managed to go through his walls.

He should see him today. He needs to see him today.

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