8 | Why

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His mother marrying another man had been hard enough for him and now the thought of facing Kei today made it feel like his heart was on his mouth.

'Dont dare hide from me today'

Only one message from him and he can exactly tell that he's pissed about something. He's angry at Yamaguchi and his poor heart knows it.

He blew a breath of frustration. "Hell, I think I can't run from this one anymore."he muttered to himself.

The minimalistic style of the simple suite all paid by his mother's finance which must have been a peace offering from them both, a gift to calm him down but his mind was a chaotic bunch of restless thoughts, a maelstorm of what-ifs.

I’m wasted, losing time
I’m a foolish, fragile spine
I want all that is not mine
I want him but we’re not right

Soft music flowed out of the portable speakers as he tried to sort out his brain while laying in a white plush bed all dressed in what his mom wanted him to wear.

I’m sorry if I smothered you 
I sometimes wish I’d stayed inside my mother

Three hours seemed like seconds to the both of them.

And there he was standing tall among the crowd, eyes under those glasses watching his every move. Kei locked gaze with him and he can never look away. He was in awe of how much he changed from how he remembers him. His hair was longer, eyes tired, but he knows it's the same freckled boy he protected since they're kids.

This kind of danger is something Yamaguchi had been running away from for almost a year now and just like that, just a single look, Kei had bounded him woth his presence. It felt like a waste of hard work, a waste of effort but strangely he wished for it.

"Why?" Kei's one worded question fired up all Yamaguchi's nerves as he racked his brain for an answer. Why? He can't even admit it to himself, how much more to the person he adored.

"I needed it." he says lamely. Kei curled his lip with irritation to his lies. With patience running out, he grabbed the boy by the hand and dragged him to the garden.

"What the hell Yamaguchi!" he can't help but lose it. He had kept it all this time and now his runaway best friend is in front of him. "How could you leave just like that?"

"Sorry..." he didn't even say his name. Tears escaped Kei's eyes and it felt as if those tears were acid submerging his heart.

"Please Yamaguchi." Unexpectedly, he pulled Yamaguchi into him, startling the shorter boy. "I don't understand anything but I think I can't live like this anymore."

"Sorry..."as if its the only word Yamaguchi knows.

"Tadashi"Kei called his first name like he was begging. This is where it ends,  Yamaguchi thought. No matter what happens after he'll just have to deal with.

"I loved you, that's why" he said as he buried his face on his chest to hide his shame and guilt. Kei's eyes widen with realization and somehow all the feelings he bottled up seemed to have been freed at once by his best friends confession.

He said it louder, "I still am in love with you Tsukki."

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