3 | Belong

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Leaving him in the classroom felt like a losing war against someone who doesn't even need to lift a finger to gain control.

I don't belong to him, Tadashi repeated like a mantra which apparently seems  to be failing. He wandered around the hallways without a destination, now that Tsukki's not walking beside him. He usually decides things for him and all there's left is to blindly follow.

That's what he'd been doing for years now. Follow him around, cheering him up, apologizing for every slight mistake, caring for him but what else is there?

Does he even see me as a friend?

Kei had never been so confused and the feeling of not understanding frustrates him, especially where it concerns Tadashi. He had always been easy to read, he always knew what was happening to his friend but now it felt as if he was left out in the cold.

Despite the haze in his thoughts, the confidence he felt about Yamaguchi coming back to the place beside him without any problems surged through. He knows he'll be back, he will stick around. Because that's all he does, all he'd ever done. He is sure that Yamaguchi won't go anywhere.

Practice was intense that particular afternoon. Daichi, the team captain had led them through rounds of diving and receiving drills. Coach Ukai aims to improve their stamina and speed as well as jumping power. There's no going easy once he sees a lot of potential in front of him.

"My legs hurt, damn!" Asahi whines breathlessly while Nishinoya smirks at him as a silent form of mockery.

A loud clap called their attention. "Good job you guys, let's keep it up!" Ukai praises the team backed up by their ever poetic teacher.

"Tsukki" he automatically turned towards the person who owns that endearment, it felt like an involuntary reflex. Here it is, his expected return.

Yamaguchi handed him a towel. "You go ahead after this, I have something I need to do." his voice as weak as usual but something burned behind his words.

"Mm." Kei nodded despite his brain being muddled. It doesn't bother him that they will not be going home together, that would be petty but he knew that his friend is avoiding something. A confrontation? Him?

Music blasted through his headphones once he settled them on his waiting ears. 'The Neighbourhood' played accompanying him home.

Something is wrong, I can't explain

Everything changed when the birds came

Kei knows that he shouldnt be bothered by a simple resistance. The feeling of being dejected and lied to is not foreign yet he can feel the pain slowly flowing through his bloodstreams waiting for it swallow him whole.

So, so, I'll probably take you aside

And tell you what's on my mind

But you, you'll just keep it inside

Probably tell me that you're alright

Dead ends were all his thoughts reached when searching for answers to questions he couldn't even bring to ask his only friend. He got used to him being there so much he forgot how it was before Yamaguchi.

If he continued this, if he kept his distance growing between them, could Kei let himself agree to that?

Could he just accept he doesn't belong to his side anymore? 

*** Note: Hi 😄 Ill make sure to make a chapter at the end with all the songs I used. Thanksss ***

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