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I'm a senior and my Dad is forcing me to go to school on Friday. He gives me the directions to walk because it's close by. I walk out of the house and feel the warm summer air hit my face. I see the big pond that is in front of our house. The fish and turtles swim around happily, not acknowledging my existence. I take a path through the woods to get to school. The woods are really open, so I can see the end easily. I am focusing on my feet squishing in the mud when I hear a loud crack near me. I look around and slowly take out my dagger and hold it close to me. "Hello?" I yell out into the woods. No response. I hear the crack again and I start off in a run. I'm jumping over branches and darting under dead trees. When I'm about to reach the entrance, something hits me hard and rams me into a tree. I open my eyes and I see bright eyes and long sharp teeth. It can't be a- "What's your name, stranger?" says the vampire. I laugh and say "Why in hell would I tell you that?" He rams me harder against the tree and I grunt in pain. "I wouldn't be so sassy if I were you," he snarls at me, watching me closely. Before I know it, he bends my neck and moves his teeth close to my neck. I struggle, but it's hopeless because he has an enormous amount of power over me. "Any last words?" he asks with a laugh, before he proceeds to bite my neck. Before I can respond, I hear someone else respond. "Rot in hell with the rest of your kind." At that time, he turns around and another tall boy is slitting his throat and decapitating him. I fall to the ground, along with the vampire. I look up to the boy, being terrified because of what I just witnessed. He could be described as built and rather handsome. "Are you okay?" he asks while he helps me up. I feel my fear leave completely and say "Yeah, just a little sore." I rub my body. "Who are you?" I ask. He looks into my eyes and I notice he has beautiful green eyes. He takes a little while to answer and then he says "Dean, Dean Winchester."

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