Find the Lube!

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Castiel had gotten home only an hour or two after Dean had dropped Gabriel off, covered in what looked like slushie mix with a tired look on his face. Gabriel looked up where he was raiding the fridge, he hadn't found anything, and arched an eyebrow, concern all over his features.

"You look like hell," Gabriel commented, closing the refrigerator and turning to face the older man. Castiel sighed, pulling off his work uniform as he headed towards the bathroom with a disgruntled look on his face.

"This is why I hate technology," Was all that Castiel responded with before he disappeared down the hallway, the shower starting up only moments later. Gabriel watched him go curiously before looking at the uniform and sneaking over, hit with the fruity smell of Slurpee's. Gabriel snickered, picking up the sodden clothes carefully, as to not get any on himself, and carrying it to the laundry room. He checked the pockets, fishing out Castiel's cell phone and keys before dropping them in the hamper for Castiel to do later.

Gabriel switched on Castiel's phone, smirking when he found no lock on it and tapped on Castiel's messages. There were only three conversations, Sam, Dean, and Hank. He started with Hank, but it became apparent quick that it was Castiel's boss. Switching to Sam, it was mainly questions about how to do something on the phone or computer, which made Gabriel smirk at Castiel's ineptness with technology. Switching to Dean's, he began scrolling, everything normal at first, until a picture popped up.

Gabriel's mouth hung open, and he glanced back at the sound of the shower before letting out an impressed whistle, tipping his head as he studied the picture a little closer. "Damn, Cassie. No wonder you're dating, Dean," Gabriel muttered to himself before blushing, realizing what he was doing and clicking the power button. He was so going to hell for that one.

The shower turned off a few minutes later, and he glimpsed Castiel making his way to his bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. Gabriel set Castiel's things on the coffee table in the living room before pulling on his shoes by the door before slipping his arms into the jacket that Castiel had lent him. He hadn't owned one, except for the hoodie but he wouldn't dare wear that outside, so Castiel had dug out an old jacket of his. It was too big on him, surprise there, but it was warm, so Gabriel didn't mind.

Castiel came out a moment later, his hair still wet, but in clean clothes, "Ready?" Castiel asked, earning a nod from Gabriel. He motioned to where he put the keys and Castiel's phone. Castiel grabbed them, slipping the items into his jean pockets before opening the door, and stepping out into the cold.

"December is too cold here," Gabriel grumbled as he followed after him, squinting at the sky when he saw how cloudy it was. He vaguely wondered if it would snow, and felt a stir of excitement in his chest at the thought. However, Castiel's chuckle is what brought him out of his mind, looking at the slight crinkle around his eyes that had Gabriel smiling too.

"December is too hot where you're from," Castiel responded, walking across the yard into Sam and Dean's. Gabriel gave a shrug, not having an argument for that as Castiel gave a couple of knocks on the door before walking in. Gabriel followed behind him curiously, hit with warmth and smiling at the smell that made it clear that Dean was cooking again. Despite his tough guy act, it took Gabriel all of ten minutes at the dinner table to learn that Dean was very motherly.

"I have to go help Dean cook before his mother gets home. Why don't you find Sam? He's probably in the living room," Castiel stated softly, motioning towards the doorway that led further into the home. Gabriel nodded, a slight smirk on his face as he waved his hand in a dismissing manner.

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