Midnight Walks

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Sam fiddled with the chain in his hands, his eyebrows narrowed in concentration as he attempted to get the tiny metal links to cooperate and close properly so they wouldn't break. He had bought the chain for Dean after his necklace had snapped, sneaking the pendant from the drawer that Dean had put it in. He was just glad that Dean seemed to be too busy with Castiel to notice that someone had messed with his things.

With a smile as he finally got the last metal chain bent into place, he sat back, his fingers brushing the pendant softly. It was old, the color wearing on parts of the surface, but Sam still felt happy knowing that Dean still took good care of it.

Movement outside his window caught his attention and he looked up, frowning when he saw that Gabriel was climbing out of the window, only his hoodie and boxers on. Sam stood, looking at the teen as he stumbled out of view from the window.

Sam opened his own and stuck his head out, looking at Gabriel's feet with a frown of concern. It was way too cold to be walking around with his bare feet.

"Gabe?" Sam called, but Gabriel didn't answer, continuing on his path towards the sidewalk. Sam hurried to grab his shoes, shrugging on his sweatshirt and grabbing an extra jacket before he was hurrying out the window, closing it behind him before running after Gabriel.

Gabriel had managed to get three houses down before Sam caught up to him, grabbing his shoulder and stilling him, concern littering his face as he turned the smaller teen to him. Gabriel's eyes were closed, soft breaths leaving his mouth. Sam frowned, shaking him a little, his eyes widening when he realized that Gabriel was asleep.

"Gabe? Come on. Wake up," Sam called out, shaking him a little. Gabriel barely stirred before he fell back to his sleeping state, half trying to turn around to continue back on his sleep-walking path.

"I...gotta go," Gabriel mumbled, his voice barely above a slur. Still, he stayed pliant under Sam's hands as he pulled him back towards their houses, the jacket being wrapped around his shoulders.

"Let's go this way," Sam offered, frowning at Gabriel's feet once more. He pulled Gabriel closer, looking around towards the houses with a worried look. It was too late to going to the neighbors, and he didn't want Gabriel to walk anymore without shoes on.

"Gabe, I need you to wake up a little," Sam said, turning around and pulling Gabriel up onto his back, sighing in relief when Gabriel automatically wrapped his legs and arms around him, nestling his nose against the back of Sam's neck and making him shiver.

"I made...it," Gabriel mumbled, and Sam could feel the smile against his skin as he began walking back towards the house. Sam found comfort in that Gabriel seemed happy in his dreams, a soft cloud of mist leaving his mouth as he strode past one of the streetlights. He felt more than heard Gabriel snuffle, his head lifted slowly.

"S-Sam?" Gabriel mumbled sleepily, his teeth coming in a slight chatter as his fingers tightened around Sam's shoulders, "This is what it looks like to be tall?"

"Hello to you too," Sam snarked, but his voice was warm as he crossed the final house before his, the cold air filling his lungs in a slight gasp as Gabriel nuzzled to him, shivering against Sam.

"Can you walk a bit faster?" Gabriel replied, a slight whine in his voice as goosebumps traveled up the skin in Sam's hands, "It's fucking cold."

"Not my fault you decided to sleepwalk down the street," Sam replied, though he did set Gabriel down, letting the boy circle around so he could pick him back up, carrying him monkey style, his arms and legs wrapped around him while Sam held him steady by underneath his butt and on his waist. When he reached his house, he circled around his yard so he could head towards their windows, "What were you dreaming of anyways?"

"I was taking you to meet my parents," Gabriel mumbled, his stunted voice making Sam pause in his steps, looking at the slightly hidden face of Gabriel on his shoulder, "I usually never make it."

"Usually?" Sam asked, forcing himself to take another step towards the small area between their windows, only a few steps away from each other really.

"I made it," Gabriel whispered before a sniffle escaped, though if from the cold or tears, Sam didn't know, "They love you, just like I knew they would."

Sam's arms tightened around Gabriel, holding on just a little closer as he pressed a kiss to Gabriel's hair, his heart in his throat as he tried to reply, "I would have loved them too. They raised you after all," He answered, staring at Gabriel's window with a feeling of sadness rising in his chest.


"Yeah, Gabe?"

"I don't want to let go," Gabriel whispered, letting Sam's shoulders slump in relief as he set Gabriel down gently, his hand sliding to grab the smaller teen's and holding on tightly.

"Okay," Sam replied, opening the window to his room one handed and helping Gabriel inside. He climbed in after him, feeling Gabriel grab onto him before he could even get the window closed. He didn't mind, though, his hand smoothing Gabriel's hair down once he got the window locked before turning to him.

Cold lips pressed against his, a slight warmth filling him as his hands moved to Gabriel's shoulders, rubbing gently to warm up the still shivering boy. When Gabriel pulled back, his eyes were darker than normal, flicking over to Sam's bed for just a moment.

Sam shivered at the question in the teen's eyes, reaching out and letting his fingers touch Gabriel's cheek, brushing along under his eye before he leaned forwards, touching his lips gently again.

Gabriel wasted no time pressing into Sam, a small whine leaving his throat as their chests bumped together, tugging at Sam's shirt as he took a step back. His leg bumped against the side of the bed, and then they were both falling, Sam nearly crushing Gabriel as he caught himself, looking down at the smaller teen with a stirring of heat in his stomach.

"Do you have condoms?" Gabriel asked, and Sam's train of thought screeched to a halt, pausing before glancing around his room.

"No, do you?" Sam asked, a bit surprised at how hopeful he actually sounded. Gabriel shook his head and Sam let out a groan, his head falling to Gabriel's shoulder. Despite the disappointment, he was a smiling, kissing along Gabriel's neck a few times before he was rolling over onto the other side of the bed.

"Next time, then," Sam commented, pulling Gabriel close to him and letting his chin rest on top of Gabriel's head. Gabriel wriggled against him, his cool nose brushing against the heat of Sam's skin before a soft sigh escaped his mouth and he fell still.

Sam closed his eyes, letting himself fall into a light daze, the smell of cucumbers soothing him.

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