Just a Little Acorn

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Gabriel rolled his eyes, tugging at the sleeve of his jacket for the fifteenth time in an effort to keep the hole around the seam from slipping over his thumb, catching it in the fabric. He fidgeted, feeling his leg brush against Sam's as he moved over a little more, trying not to touch Mary. Dean made her sit in the back because 'No matter how long he had been driving, she still screamed every time he hit the brakes just a little harder than she liked,' and it seemed the best option for everyone involved, which left Gabriel sandwiched between her and Sam while Castiel and Dean had plenty of room in the front.

It made Gabriel grumble, and he planned to switch out Castiel's lube with superglue the moment they got back home.

"Gabriel, quit wriggling or I will throw you out the window," Sam threatened when Gabriel's leg bumped into his again, and Gabriel shot him a glare, his bottom lip poking out in a slight pout at the annoyed look on Sam's face.

"You're not giving me much room, Gigantor," Gabriel muttered, his glare being met with Sam's bitchface. Neither of them backed down from their stares until Sam eventually got distracted when Dean asked him a question, looking away to answer. Gabriel was glad. Sam's death stare did get freaky after a while.

"How much longer?" Gabriel asked, turning his eyes to Mary with as much innocence as possible. She glanced at him with calculating eyes, though they warmed after a moment, and she gave a small smile.

"Just a few more minutes. It's at the edge of town," She offered, turning her gaze back towards the window. Gabriel watched her for a moment before looking forwards, staring at the expanse of road in front of them, stores and signs sprawling along the edges with traffic crawling past.

When Dean pulled into a old looking building, seeming abandoned compared to the others with the dead vines strewn across its cracked gray paint along the concrete walls, Gabriel glanced at the four of them, arching an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you guys went to haunted places for family reunions," Gabriel commented, earning a slight snort from Sam, and a roll of his eyes from Dean.

"This is the rec center. Haven't you ever seen one before?" Sam retorted, and Gabriel glanced over at it again with a look of confusion. He had remembered seeing one in his hometown before, but his parents never had family reunions. Now that he was looking, though, he could see that it seemed to have at least a little more care than he first though. He could just make out the beginnings of what looked like a playground in the back, and the parking lot was clean.

Cars lined the parking lot, ranging from a new car to an old dingy truck. Gabriel felt the stirring of excitement in his chest at having the chance to meet Sam's relatives, wondering vaguely what they were all like. Sam never really talked about them beyond an old friend of his family's...Bobby was his name, maybe. He might have been too distracted by Sam's dimples to really pay attention to something like a name of someone he hasn't met before.

Mary opened her door first, stepping out of the vehicle and leaving the air around Gabriel frigid with her warmth's sudden disappearance. Gabriel unbuckled his seatbelt, clambering after her and looking at the building with a peaked interest before glancing over the Impala at Sam, nibbling the inside of his lip when Sam brushed his bangs from his face, laughing at something Dean had said, but Gabriel had been too focused to hear.

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