Whip Cream and Other White Things

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Notebooks scattered on the floor around them as Gabriel furrowed his brows, the tip of his tongue poking out as he studied the paper in front of him, a yellow highlighter in his hand as he dragged it across a line of text. He pushed the paper over, placing it on the small stack before moving to the next, giving Sam a small glance.

Sam had insisted on studying for the test that was coming up and although Gabriel has protested, he eventually agreed when Sam promised him a kiss if he'd help. How could he pass up a deal like that?

Still, he was getting bored, watching Sam as the boy read something, his fingers tapping a light rhythm on his leg as he did so. Gabriel took the opportunity to get a little closer, smiling at the boy and bumping him on the side of the cheek with his nose to get his attention.

"Did you hear what Crowley did today?" Gabriel asked with a slightly teasing tone in his voice as Sam glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, a smile on his face despite his attempt to look annoyed at being interrupted.

"No, what did he do?" Sam asked, placing down his own highlighter and looking at Gabriel, watching with a hint of affection in his eyes as Gabriel bounced up onto Sam's bed, dramatically moving around in his excitement.

"So, he and this student got into an argument and as the kid was walking away, Crowley said something in a different language and the kid fell down the stairs!" Gabriel exclaimed, mock falling off the bed in demonstration. Sam smiled at him, one eyebrow cocking up as he watched Gabriel's antics.

"You know it was probably a coincidence, right?" Sam commented, leaning on his knees as he watched Gabriel shake his head stubbornly.

"No! It couldn't be! The kid fell in such a strange way! Watch, it was like this," Gabriel said before concentrating, pretending to fall in a bizarre fashion that Sam had to admit didn't make sense. 

"Alright, alright, you made your point, now get down here before you actually do fall," Sam said with a roll of his eyes, pretending not to notice the smirk that crossed Gabriel's face. Gabriel began to hop down, deciding that was enough of a distraction for a little while, except for his foot caught on the blanket on the way down.

He tumbled down with a shout, landing on top of Sam and knocking the poor boy to the ground. He groaned, his head lying on what he thought was Sam's shoulder as he pushed himself up, one eye closed as he looked at the boy beneath him.

"Sor-" He started to say, only to stop, his eyes wide as he stared at Sam. His shirt was riding up, his hair a mess around him, and his eyes wide with a blush accenting the green. Gabriel swallowed, feeling a sudden rush of heat through his body that made him shiver, and his boxers to grow a bit tighter.

"Are you okay, Gabe?" Sam asked, but Gabriel didn't answer, preferring to lean down and capturing Sam's lips in his own, his tongue darting out eagerly to touch the seam of Sam's mouth. Sam let a muffled noise of surprise but didn't pull away, his hand reaching up to grab the back of Gabriel's head and pulling him closer.

Gabriel shifted on top of Sam, nearly squeaking when he felt a hardness brushing against his hip, pulling away and blushing profusely, but small pants beginning to leave his mouth as he looked down at Sam's red lips, his tongue darting out to subconsciously lick his own.

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