2nd Encounter [Dark Winds Scattering]

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(Aria the flirtatious demon who controls darkness dimension (the power to possess someone with a kiss) makes an appearance. Little is known of her as her history is unknown, but she is terrified of her father because of terrible things he had done to her in the past. She is ScarlletBunny-chan 's character)

 She is ScarlletBunny-chan 's character)

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Cold winds blew through the mountains

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Cold winds blew through the mountains. A grey, cloudy sky plagued the world with its gloom. Groaning, Damien leaped up to the ledge to his right. His armor was weighing him down, but it did little to stop his advance. Floating behind him with an irritable face was his wife Hime. Her golden hair flowed with the wind as she watched him climb the mountain. "What is the point of this foolishness again? This is an awful lot of time being wasted..." Hime looked at her nails, bored.

"My point is....flying around everywhere like a fat ass isn't going to keep me in shape. If I'm going to be a good king, I need to be strong don't I?" Damien retorted, as he was finally getting close to the top.

"Well, if you wish to become stronger there are more efficient means. Acting like an ape isn't one of them. I better not come home with a filthy swine or else you're sleeping outside!" Hime warned him, glaring.

"I already sleep in a separate room from you woman! What else do you want?" he snapped back irritably. I'm not going to allow myself to be a candy ass weakling... not after Leon. He grit his teeth as he thought about his friend. If it weren't for Leon's intervention, Damien would still be under Death's control. His friend went into hell to rescue Katie, but didn't make it out himself. The rock supporting Damien almost broke with how tightly he gripped it. Why the hell did you have to go in alone! he thought to himself miserably. He almost let go in shock as Hime was staring at him curiously.

"You're not crying again are you? For a king, you're rather emotional," her words were mocking, yet her voice wasn't cold. She was one of the few who was unshaken at the news. Hime crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "Do you honestly believe he would fall so easily? You should take pride in your friend."

Shocked, Damien was speechless for a moment. Grinning, he shook off the uneasiness he felt as he reached to touch her cheek. "Worried about me, are you?" he asked, making her face burn up as she gasped.

"As if I'd care for an unsophisticated swine like you!" Hime yelled, her face burning up as she swept his hand aside so fast Damien fell off. Spinning backward, Damien caught himself in mid air when something heavy fell on top of him. What the he- For a moment, he thought it was Katie when he noticed that the hair and wings of the person falling was jet black. Grabbing their waist, he pulled them enough to regain his balance.

The girl was unconscious, her breathing slow. Great horns were visible on her head, giving him pause. Looking above them, Damien saw so many Stalkers that it made his heart sink. The girl had several cuts all over her body. Concentrating, he allowed his wind to hold her before a sword and shield formed themselves within his hands, almost like a ghost materializing into a physical object. Standing on the mountain beside Hime, they looked at the horde. "Was this what you had in mind?" he asked her nervously as she unsheathed her rapier. The girl smiled wickedly as she looked at it.

"Not at all. At least this will sate my boredom," Hime said before bursting ahead, the wind carrying her at frightening speeds. Her blade stabbed so many of their hearts, their bodies didn't even have time to burst as she broke through the line. Giving a sigh, Damien followed in suit as he helped her. His shield knocked a pack of them off her back as he flipped over them, wind currents slicing through several of them. It took several minutes for them to destroy them all, almost exhausting them.

Bringing the girl with them, they rested on top of the mountain. "Why... were there so many of them?" Damien breathed, on his knees.

"They only attack what Death deems as a threat... perhaps the girl has done something to gain his attention?" Hime stood up, walking towards her. Placing her palm on her forehead, a burst of air pushed against it. The girl's golden eyes opened, making her jump up in surprise. Coughing, she looks at the two.

"Who... who are you?" she asked them, her voice soft. Taking a moment to look at her, Damien couldn't help but smirk at her beauty.

"I'm the King of the Lioness Kingdom, Damien Blackbourne at your service," he said, slicking back his hair as he came forward. Hime scoffed in disgust at his sudden confidence. The girl giggled and smiled back, blushing slightly.

"I am Aria, its a pleasure," she extended a hand, her eyes looking graceful. Hime looked at her with equal displeasure, before turning her head back to Damien.

"Touch her even once and you're sleeping outside," Hime said irritably, turning her back on them. Damien flinched as he helped Aria up.

"Don't mind her... she's kind of grouchy," Damien whispered, as Aria looked at them confused. The girl laughed as Hime spun back around.

"Who's grouchy!" she snapped, pointing her rapier at Damien's cheek.

"You're grouchy," he responded in a mumbled voice as the sword made it hard to talk. Aria watched them both amused as they argued. She was having such a good time, she didn't notice the dark silhouette that rose behind her. The air grew intensely cold, and chills went down all of their spines. God... please don't tell me, Damien and Hime slowly looked behind Aria as Death's scythe rose frighteningly high, his silhouette tall and chilling.

Almost like a guillotine, the blade fell down swiftly. As if they were possessed, they rushed forward together, their swords barely blocking the destructive force behind his blow. Aria rolled under them, feeling her mentality beginning to snap under the dread that Death's presence gave her. "I-Iris! Stop it!" Damien shouted, trying to reach Leon's sister. A terrible laughter erupted from Death as his scythe struck out at him so quickly, it smashed him into Aria. They both crashed into the edge together as Hime dove away from the next blow. Fading away like a mirage, the dark entity came from her shadow as it struck down ferociously. Spreading her legs barely in time to avoid it, Hime threw herself into the air with her powers. His weapon spun up at her, forcing her to block as she skid onto the ground in front of Damien.

Struggling to stand up, Damien looked up only to see something dark rush past them. Aria shrieked as a three headed crimson dragon rose from the ground, making the earth shake intensely. "No way..." Hime breathed, floating a little as her husband tried to avoid losing his balance. "Is that... Cerberus?" Death sliced through the three heads like child's play, catching the girl by the neck as she attempted to swing down on his head. Blood splattered all over her and his cloak as she struggled to escape his grasp. Groaning, Damien charged at them only for them both to fade into the darkness. Damn it! What the hell was that? he groaned, falling to his knees. To be continued...

(To explain what just happened, Aria had no backstory. As her powers fit perfectly into the world my story resides him, I'm treating her as if she were a part of its world. Hopefully you'll like how this is, and if you want more I'll continue it after some other requests)

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